Desdimina Bassarite

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Desdimina Bassarite

Old Human Female (51 years old)

True Neutral (with good tendencies)

Druid 3 / Sorcerer 4 / Geomancer 7

HP: 96 (3d8 +4d4 +7d6 +14)

BAB: +9 +4

Init: +0

Speed: 30ft

AC: 18 (10 +5 armor +3 shield)


Str: 9 -1 ( 8 - (00 pts) -3 age +4 item)

Dex: 10 +0 (13 - (05 pts) -3 age)

Con: 12 +1 (14 - (06 pts) -3 age +1 level)

Int: 15 +2 (13 - (05 pts) +2 age)

Wis: 23 +6 (18 - (16 pts) +2 age +2 level +1 tome)

Cha: 16 +3 (14 - (06 pts) +2 age)

Fort: +5 Reflex: +2 Will: +13

+1 Brilliant Energy Ghost Touch Scimitar (Sheds light) / +9 +4 / 1d6 / 18-20 x2

Dragonhide Breastplate (+5 AC / +3 max dex / -3 acp)

+2 Light Blackwood Shield (+3 AC)


Spontaneous Healer

Spontaneous Wounder

Transdimensional Spell

Brew Potion

Craft Wand

Improved Counterspell

Special Abilities: Animal Companion, Nature Sense, Wild Empathy, Spontaneous Summon Nature’s Ally, Woodland Stride, Trackless Step, Divine Spells; Summon Familiar, Arcane Spells; Drifts (Vines for hair, Touch wilts flowers, Sprout leaves and become photosynthetic (can substitute 1 hour/day of sunlight for of food), Eyes are sharp as a rat’s (low-light vision), Gills (can breathe air and water), Thorns (the attacker takes 1d3 damage on each successful natural attack made against Desdimina), Nose is as sensitive as a hound’s (30ft scent)), Spell Versatility 6, Ley Lines +2 (Mountain), +7 spell casting levels (+4 sorcerer & +3 Druid)

Skills: 111 (druid)42 + (sorcerer) 20 + (geomancer) 49 =

+18 Concentration (17 ranks +1 con)


+19 --Arcana (17 ranks +2 int)

+21 -–Nature (17 ranks +2 int +2 misc)

+19 Spellcraft (17 ranks +2 int)

+25 Survival (17 ranks +6 wis +2 misc)

+23 (+25) Listen (17 ranks +6 wis (+2 familiar)

+12 Diplomacy (9 ranks +3 cha)

+6 (+8) Spot (6 wis (+2 familiar)

Languages: Common, Druidic, Sylvan, Draconic

Spells: (DC 16 + spell level)

Druid: (6th)

0/1/2/3 (Spell Level)

5/3+2/3+2/2+1 (Spells/Day)


0th: Create Water, Detect Poison x2, Detect Magic, Read Magic

1st: Goodberry x2, Obscuring Mist, Faerie Fire, Entangle

2nd: Soften Earth & Stone, Bear’s Endurance, Chill Metal, Gust of Wind, Tree Shape

3rd: Call Lightning, Water Breathing, Neutralize Poison

Sorcerer: (8th)

0/1/2/3/4 (spell level)

6/6+2/6+2/5+1/3+1 (spells/day)

Spells Known:

0th: Acid Splash, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Ghost Sound, Mending, Dancing Lights, Open/Close, Detect Magic

1st: Alarm, Magic Missile, Shocking Grasp, Charm Person, Hold Portal

2nd: Web, Spectral Hand, Touch of Idiocy

3rd: Daylight, Vampiric Touch

4th: Polymorph

Wand of Charm Animal ........ 187.5 gp to recharge

Wand of Summon Monster III .. 2812.5 gp to recharge

Wand of Eagle's Splendor .... 1125 gp to recharge

Wand of Enlarge Person ...... 187.5 gp to recharge

Wand of Owl's Wisdom ........ 1125 gp to recharge

Belt of Giant Strength +4 ... 16,000 gp

Bag of Holding Type IV ...... 10,000 gp

Crystal Ball ................ 42,000 gp

Elemental Gems (2 of each) .. 18,000 gp (2,250 each)

Iridescent Spindle .......... 18,000 gp

Alchemist’s Lab ............. 500 gp

Dragonhide Breastplate (+5 AC / +3 max dex / -3 acp)

Pearl of Power (2nd level)

Ring of Animal Friendship

Rod of the Viper

Tome of Understanding (+1) (used)

Restorative Ointment (4c)

Broom of Flying

Staff of Illumination (20c)

+1 Brilliant Energy Ghost Touch Scimitar (Sheds light)

+2 Light Blackwood Shield (+3 AC)

5 pp

22 gp

5 sp

Silonom - Black Cat Familiar

HP: 48

Init: +2

Speed: 30dt

AC: 16 (10 +2 size +2 dex +2 nat)


Str: 3

Dex: 15

Con: 10

Int: 7

Wis: 12

Cha: 7

Fort: + 4 Reflex: + 4 Will: + 8

2 Claws / +13 / 1d2-4

Bite / +8 / 1d3-4


Balance +10

Climb +6

Hide +16 (+24 in tall grass)

Jump +10

Listen +3

Move Silently +8

Spot +3



Weapon Finesse

Special Abilities Low-light Vision, Scent, Alertness, Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link, Deliver Touch spells

Garmus - Owl Companion

HP: 24 (3d8)

Init: +4

Speed: 10ft, Fly 40ft (average)

AC: 20 (10 +2 size +4 dex +4 nat)


Str: 5

Dex: 18

Con: 10

Int: 2

Wis: 14

Cha: 4

Fort: + 3 Reflex: + 7 Will: + 3

Talons / +8 / 1d4-3


Listen +15

Move Silently +17

Spot +7 (+15 in shadowy illumination)



Weapon Finesse

Special Abilities Low-light Vision, Link, Share Spells, Evasion