Aeysha Marlikarth
WS 50 (40 +10)
BS 32 (37 -05)
S 61 (36 +25)
T 43 (38 +05)
Ag 51 (41 +10)
Int 29 (32 -03)
Per 43 (43 +00)
WP 31 (36 -05)
Fel 35 (38 -03)
Wounds: 13 (15)
Coruption: 6
Infamy: 24
- Adroit ( Weapon skill )
- Pride: Grace (+5 Ag, -5 BS)
- Disgrace: Dread (+5 Per, -5 WP)
- Motivation: Perfection (+5 WS, -3 Fel, -3 Int)
- Acrobatics (Ag) 51
- Athletics (S) 61
- Awareness (Per) 43
- Parry +10 (WS) 60
- Scholastic Lore ( Philosophy ) (Int) 29
- Common Lore ( Imperial Creed ) (Int) 29
- Operate ( Surface ) (Ag) 51
- Intimidate (S) 61
- Dodge +10 (Ag) 61
- Stealth (Ag) 51
- Medicae (Int) 29
- Jaded (ignore mundane horrors)
- Quick Draw (draw weapon as free action)
- Rapid Reload (halves reload time)
- Weapon Training (Chain, Las, Primary, SP),
- Weapon Training (Power, Bolt)
- Catfall (reduce falling damage)
- Sure Strike (called shots are at -10% only)
- Disarm (force opponent to drop weapon, opposed WS test)
- Ambidextrous (reduce penalties for two weapon fighting)
- Berserk Charge (+30% WS when charging)
- Swift Attack (additional hit for each 2 DoS with melee attack)
- Lightning Reflexes (roll twice and take highest for initiative rolls)
- Frenzy (+10% WS, S, T, WP, -20% BS, Int, Fel), can't parry, retreat, flee
XP usage
Total XP spent: 2,800 / 3,000
250: Strength (simple)
250: Weapon skill (simple)
250: Agility (simple)
250: Toughness (simple)
200: Acrobatics (known)
350: Parry +10 (trained)
250 Berserk charge (tier 1)
500 Swift Attack (tier 2)
250 Lightning reflexes (tier 1)
250 Frenzy (tier 1)
- BC Bolt pistol (pistol, 30m, S/2/-, 1d10+5X, Pen 4, Clip 8, full, tearing)
- BC Powersword (melee, 1d10+12 E, Pen 5, power field, balanced, +10WS, +1dam)
- Klaive (melee, 1d10+14E, Pen 8, Power Field, exotic)
- Light power armour (AP:7, +10 Strength)
- Synthmuscle (+1 strength bonus)
- Drugs: 3x Stimm, 3x Slaught, 3x Frenzon
Rising Storm (aka Pointy)
WS 24 (inc. +5)
BS 13
S 22 (inc. +5)
T 20
Ag 25
Int 17
Per 15 (inc. -5)
WP 23 (inc. -5)
Fel 14
Wounds 6
- Athletics
- Intimidate
- Parry
- Dodge
- Sound constitution x2
- Berserk Charge
- Lightning Reflexes
- Weapon training (primary)
- Brutal Charge
- Natural Armour (2)
- Mono Greatsword (2d10+2, Pen 2, unbalanced)
- Beast Furs (AP: 2)