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[20:40] d-esktop: i think dr wotg has morphed into another game altogether, in many ways

[20:40] Indomitable_Jon: psst you should egg willows on :P

[20:41] ST: hi

[20:41] d-esktop: i'm a loose cannon, point me at something and i'll say something spiteful about it

[20:41] d-esktop: or something controversial

[20:41] d-esktop: i mean, shit

[20:41] d-esktop: i sparked a sidereals debate, again, by failing to include a ;) in my post

[20:42] natalie^drest: haha

[20:42] wirrows: dr wotg is like...

[20:42] wirrows: something better than wotg

[20:42] d-esktop: dr wotg should be renamed, to escape the wotg reference

[20:42] wirrows: i like just calling it 'wuxia'

[20:42] d-esktop: yeah, i like wuxia

[20:42] d-esktop: or wulin adventures, or something silly

[20:43] d-esktop: that's the pattern for rpg titles

[20:43] Indomitable_Jon: Jianghu adventures

[20:43] Indomitable_Jon: Jianghu Chronicles?

[20:43] wirrows: hurg

[20:43] d-esktop: i can't come up with a good "w" word, or i'd call it wuxia & ___

[20:43] wirrows: jianghu is better than wulin

[20:44] d-esktop: a tongue-in-cheek module could be called FuPao

[20:44] Indomitable_Jon: Jianghu Saga?

[20:44] d-esktop: ooh

[20:44] Indomitable_Jon: What's another synonym for story?

[20:44] d-esktop: call it "Wuxia!"

[20:44] Indomitable_Jon: yeah

[20:44] d-esktop: with the exclamation point

[20:44] Indomitable_Jon: that is really the best way to do it

[20:44] Indomitable_Jon: nice Fu! lives on

[20:44] d-esktop: :)

[20:45] d-esktop: Fu! would be good, but sounds slightly tongue-in-cheek

[20:45] Indomitable_Jon: Fu! was the name of our mag

[20:45] d-esktop: hee

[20:45] Indomitable_Jon: which died because everyone was sad, and brad was a tard

[20:46] d-esktop: call it, "Wuxia!: More Fu Than You"

[20:46] Indomitable_Jon: I wish I could resurect Fu

[20:46] Indomitable_Jon: ya

[20:46] wirrows: omg

[20:46] Indomitable_Jon: ?

[20:47] wirrows: we should call it

[20:47] wirrows: WUXIA MONOGATARI

[20:47] Indomitable_Jon: ?

[20:47] d-esktop: or MOO GOO GAI PAN

[20:47] d-esktop: ...wait, no

[20:47] Indomitable_Jon: heh

[20:47] Indomitable_Jon: Wuxia Fu Yong

[20:48] kAFKaesque: Wux goo gia pan!

[20:48] d-esktop: though a chapter about having good kung-fu in noncombat situations could be called Mushu Wushu

[20:48] d-esktop: or Wushu Mushu

[20:48] d-esktop: that sounds better

[20:48] Indomitable_Jon: mmm

[20:48] Indomitable_Jon: Wuxia!

[20:48] d-esktop: something needs the title "Wuxia Schmuxia"

[20:48] Indomitable_Jon: I think is a good simple title

[20:49] Indomitable_Jon: sounds like a 24h game tho

[20:49] d-esktop: yeah

[20:49] Indomitable_Jon: which I think is good

[20:49] wirrows: cause

[20:49] d-esktop: reminiscent of Adventure! to me

[20:49] wirrows: monogatari is JAPANESE

[20:49] Indomitable_Jon: ok, well I've been thinking of reformatting my Fu! styles to fit your format for some time

[20:49] Indomitable_Jon: and if I stop drinking I may be able to do that

[20:49] d-esktop: mmm

[20:49] d-esktop: i rented the emperor and the assassin

[20:49] d-esktop: i need to watch it

[20:50] Indomitable_Jon: OH awesome

[20:50] Indomitable_Jon: its good

[20:50] Indomitable_Jon: unlike the Promise

[20:50] Indomitable_Jon: which was suck

[20:50] Indomitable_Jon: but pretty

[20:50] d-esktop: the promise?

[20:50] Indomitable_Jon: Chen Kaige

[20:50] d-esktop: sounds familiar but i can't place it

[20:50] Indomitable_Jon: Wu Ji

[20:50] Indomitable_Jon: current most expensive chinese move 35 mill

[20:50] Indomitable_Jon: sexy looking but invariably stupid

[20:50] wirrows: it's new

[20:51] Indomitable_Jon: ya

[20:51] Indomitable_Jon: new, but suck

[20:52] Indomitable_Jon: Jet Li's new movie is suck but choreographed nicely

[19:53] d4tw: i have made a decision

[19:54] d4tw: dr exalted is going to throw a fair amount of exalted's cosmology out the window

[19:54] Caspian: yay david!

[19:55] d4tw: so, something keeps nagging at me about dr exalted

[19:55] Caspian: oh>?

[19:55] d4tw: should i change the base task-resolution mechanic?

[19:56] Caspian: hmm

[19:56] willows: well what's your design goal here

[19:56] willows: that is, um

[19:56] Caspian: is there something simpler?

[19:56] willows: state it like a dictionary

[19:56] willows: without reference to outside objects

[19:56] d4tw: the entire point of dr exalted

[19:56] d4tw: is to take the epic kung-fu superheroes from exalted

[19:57] HertzaHaeon: What's dr Exalted?

[19:57] Caspian: done right

[19:57] ArtBadger: Done Right Exalted.

[19:57] d4tw: and mate them with a system that encourages style-oriented character construction and behavior, and mechanics that play to a genre

[19:57] d4tw: "done right", obviously, is a joke, since it's thoroughly wrong to many people, i'm sure

[19:58] d4tw: as much as i like grid- or hex-maps, i'm disinclined to bring those in

[19:58] d4tw: i think they would work contrary to my design goals

[19:59] ArtBadger: diceless hexmaps are nat's favorite system.

[19:59] HertzaHaeon: You're all finicky with Exalted. I think I*m the only one who likes it as it is in the books. :P

[19:59] willows: okay

[19:59] willows: so what you are saying

[19:59] HertzaHaeon: Heh, diceless hexmaps.

[19:59] willows: is you want to make a style-oriented game about kung fu superheroes

[19:59] willows: that means---

[19:59] d4tw: that could mean that i'm trying to make, like, wushu

[20:00] willows: -it needs to be mechanically not just viable, but -better- to act in a way that's stylish after your own character

[20:00] Myrrh: That could mean that you could use Feng Shui...

[20:00] d4tw: willows: right!

[20:00] willows: and characters' styles are kung fu superhero characters

[20:01] d4tw: one thing i love most about exalted, though, is the intricacy of the charm system. while i think it goes just a bit far on the complexity angle, it open-ends so well that i think i want to retain the essence of that

[20:01] willows: so what i see in kung fu and supers is that characters tend to be sharply aligned with a faction, and that /means something/

[20:01] willows: that is important i think

[20:01] willows: also you want to play with charms and powers

[20:01] willows: that's good too

[20:02] d4tw: with regards to factions

[20:02] d4tw: by "faction" are you including ethos?

[20:02] d4tw: ...i think i just misused that word

[20:02] willows: uh

[20:02] d4tw: replace "ethos" with "specific moral code"

[20:02] willows: specifically

[20:03] willows: a group of people that align themselves together and generally have something material linking them together

[20:03] willows: like in Avatar, the nations are factions

[20:04] willows: in cthd, you have wudangshan, the Yu family, the cops, Jade Fox, and Lo

[20:04] d4tw: then if i retain the splats from exalted, that would work, yes?

[20:04] willows: in hero there're the cops (again), the flying daggers cult, and feng/xiaomei

[20:04] willows: hero?

[20:04] d4tw: hofd

[20:04] willows: hofd

[20:04] willows: so, hm

[20:05] d4tw: in hero there's, like, qin and the assassins?

[20:05] *** Carmine is now known as Kraken|Sleeps.

[20:05] willows: i think the non-solar heritages all work as factions

[20:05] willows: yeah. i'd maybe argue that wu ming is his own faction

[20:05] willows: that's why he doesn't have a name

[20:05] willows: hero is sort of aberrant

[20:05] d4tw: ooh, good point

[20:06] d4tw: well, retaining most of exalted's setting would work, i think

[20:06] willows: but like i could see something (going way beyond resolution system and into reward cycle here) where you can get, like, some kind of bonus xp for coming to the aid of your party

[20:07] d4tw: mm

[20:07] d4tw: yeah, while i think most people factor that into roleplaying rewards, it should probably be codified

[20:08] willows: there's a lot of power in -telling- people what you'll reward them for

[20:08] d4tw: yeah

[20:08] willows: there isn't enough time depth in most games for people to figure out what you're rewarding by just watching your patterns

[20:08] d4tw: i think a broader range of rewards is in order

[20:09] willows: actually wotg has a lot of stuff i like, in terms of dealings with your faction

[20:09] d4tw: i absolutely /love/ loresheets

[20:09] willows: hah gmta

[20:09] d4tw: i'm really thinking of yoinking that