Planetary Elseworld Guide: People

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Alien cop

The 30-meter tall being whose ship crashed off the northeastern coast of Japan in 1932, creating Night Islandand a constant electromagnetic anomaly over the area. The alien cop's technorganic nature was analyzed, probed and dissected by Project Yoru no shima for ten years.

Fourth Man

Planetary's mysterious benefactor. Nobody knows who he reallys is.

John Gaia

A member of the Planetary field team, Gaia is a mysterious telepath and shape shifter, able to sense the natural surroundings in a 1-mile radius and turn into whatever animal, plant or human he has recently seen. Nothing is known about him, not even by himself. In February, 2001, he was found by Planetary at the shore of a bayou near New Orleans completely naked and in a deep coma. Three months later, he woke up with no memories whatsoever. Strangely, the long comatose period did not atrophy his muscles, and he could speak and think as if he had just waken up from a night of sleep. Nobody new how to call him so the Planetary New Orleans staff just called him John. Later, he adopted it as his name and Gaia as surname.

Uri Ben-Drav

Israeli soldier who found the Samsonian bracelets near the Golan hills in 1967. Ben-Drav used his newfound powers to help both Palestinians and Israelis. He disappeared months later while thwarting a PLO nuclear attack.