The Throne War:Multiverse

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The Mulitverse

The multiverse is infinite, but what matters for the game is where everything is in relation to everything else. Things may have been different before the Titanocracy but, since Olympus was made the center of the multiverse, the infinite worlds echo out from that great city and its sister realms, Atlantis and Hades. The more similar a world is to these pillars of creation, the shorter a distance down one of the world-spanning roads it is from the others; the more alien, the longer it takes to get there.


The Realm of Olympus



Infinite Earths

The interplay between the dynamic, creative forces of Khaos and the solid, stabilizing presence of Mount Olympus created the infinite worlds we call the multiverse. If there is an end to the multiverse, no one has ever seen it; the farthest anyone has ever explored has led to worlds so alien that they are inhospitable to life as we know it--worlds on fire, or so cold even air is frozen solid, or places where the laws of gravity or the nuclear forces do not work as they do in our universe--but cosmologists have no reason to believe the multiverse stops there.

Closest to Olympus, situated between it, Atlantis, and Hades, is Classical Earth. Here, the earth never evolved past the classical Hellenistic period, and the Olympians are well known to visit and meddle in mortal affairs. Supernatural beings like centaurs and satyrs, sylphs and dryads and others live here alongside humans. Aside from the few times godly quarrels spill over into local politics, it is a peaceful and idyllic place.

Just down the world-spanning Roads from Classical Earth is Modern Earth--our world--along with Earths at virtually any time in history, if you search long enough, as well as Earths that turned out differently than ours, worlds where different wars were won or lost, different events happened or didn't to shape the future.