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Tyrath is a fantastical world with geography very similar to Earth's, but inhabited by elves, dwarves, and the like as well as humans. Both the magical and psionic arts are widely practiced there.

Mythos of Tyrath

The Beginning

In the ancient days, many generations ago even by the reckoning of elves, the world was made. In those days all was young and wild, and the gods numbered only two: Turana, who rules the untamed world and all its plants and creatures, and her husband Cytan, who knows all that was, is, and may yet be, and cares for the souls of the dead.

It came to pass that Turana and Cytan had four divine children, three sons and one daughter: Solan, Rectren, Fortuna, and Moran. On Solan was bestowed the chariot of the sun and rulership of the skies; on Rectren, lordship over ice and stone and mastery of principle and order; on Fortuna, the silver moon and power over the seas; and on Moran was bestowed a purview like his father's, to collect and guide the newly dead to Cytan's hall, and for a time all was well.

The Birth of the Three Sisters

Now Solan possesses a great affinity for musics, and in those days he often sang at length as he drove the sun-chariot across the sky, and in the halls of his family once night had fallen. One day as he was guiding the sun up over the horizon, the incredible beauty of the world at dawn drew from his heart a song the like of which was never heard before, and has never been heard since. He sang of the growing greens and rushing streams below; he sang of the flashing, crashing storms that rained upon the earth; and he sang of the pure and fiery light of the sun shining on the forests and the mountains and the seas.

As he sang, pouring forth his passion and power, the world answered, and the song became the Three Sisters: Maia Garden-Keeper, goddess of farm and family; Karana Storm-Dancer, goddess of the strong and quick; and Vala Fire-Sword, goddess of the just and righteous.

The Madness of Fortuna

The goddess Fortuna has ever been one of chaos, change, and passion, but in those early days she had not yet descended fully into madness.

Notable Locations

Enkidu City