East March Timeline

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Damien's attempt to summarize the events of East March in a convenient form. Fitting that I'm playing the bard.

  • The original PCs (Heidi, Alabaster, Vandari, Leafscale) approached Silver Spires, routing some hobgoblin raiders near Flussthorpe along the way. They met Yona at SS and gathered information about the threats, and headed north to Grubedorf, killing a giant toad, and them some hobgoblins; a hob berserker surrendered to fight with them, and we got bounties for the hobs and an owlbear they'd killed. >_>
  • Next, some goblin thieves back at Flusthorpe seemed about our speed, with a Tomb-Raider PC turned NPC to help us with (or avoid) undead. We got most of the goblins and bugbears (surprise!) but the witch leading them got away. The goblins were reputedly allied at least defensively with nearby undead; we poked our heads into a room of 20 non-aggressive mummies, and decided there was no reason to stir up trouble. Our NPC Drith had said there were more dangerous undead, probably including a rumored Thief-Pirate captain; we bravely ran way. Taking with us Kloth, a hobgoblin shaman and new PC, who'd been prisoner of the witch and goblins.
  • Back at SS, a Gunther tried to get us to investigate disappearances at Schwimthorpe, assuring us it probably wasn't a wyvern, whatever it was, despite Guild sightings. He tried to convince us it might just be a forest drake which isn't that much better, but we chickened out again, wisely! Gunther and his accomplices disappear -- it was a trap to get us all killed?

By this time Alabaster and Vandari seem to have gone AWOL, along with Drith as a PC; active party is Yona, Leafscale, Heidi, and Kloth, with Axer as NPC muscle.

  • Back in Schwimthorpe we meet another Tomb Breaker PC, Volker; apparently after dumping us (or vice versa) Drith had gotten him and others to go back to the crypt, where everyone but Volker got killed. Now he wants us to finish the job... we smell a skeletal rat! But we followed through anyway. Killed some zombies, collected loot, then got ambushed by the pirate-thief and intelligent? skeletal archers. Turned two, destroyed one, fled. To be ambushed by the goblin witch again! She charmed Axer! But the mighty Heidi felled her with a single arrow.
  • In Silver Spires, we report in to the theurges, and ask about a new Heroes Company that's being formed. They gave permission but are worried. The Universal Guild claims it's sending people, but Kloth says guilders are being turned away at the border by mysterious guards. What to do?