The beggining

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The adventurers come across a signpost with this signpost:

Spring came only a week ago and the Klutz mountains are already melting. The Geama river swells and a path opens. It connects the lands north of the Klutz with the swamps of Shaema, and Shaema is hungry for trade.

Filled with salt, spice, iron, fruit, and other goods, The Muddy princess is ready to satiate that hunger. The crew sleeps inside, among the cargo, but most of prefer to spend the days outside. The fresh air alone is worth the cold, not to mention the breathtaking views of mountains to the west and forests to the east.

The Geama, wide enough for two such barges, lumbers south toward Shaema, carrying the the Muddy princess on it's back. Only thing keeping her away from the banks is a long pole used for steering. Ake, the merchant's son is the one steering now, while his sister Else sits close beside him peeling potatoes. Godfre, their captain, father and the owner of the barge is playing with the spyglass he is so fond off.

The other passengers are...

It's the third morning of travel and, beside a few rotting jetties, all signs of civilization are gone. The captain Godfre puts the spyglass back in it's case and, as is his custom, fills the chill air with stories of his travels past.

Godfre: "Princess, did I ever tell you of Mal'rock? Any other time of the year it's nothing to look at but at the bloomfest, they call bloomfest Ju-ju-galaa. At the time of Ju-ju-gala, the town is filled with hanging bells and chimess. The giant pines are..."

Else: "Yes father, you told me of Mal'rock many times. I shall see it in a few days my self so no sense in wasting wind."

Godfre: "You might be right princess but..."

Else: "I asked you star-many times to stop calling me that, father."

Godfre: "sigh Well, I'm sure Ake would like to hear more of Mal'rock."

Ake: "I've been there with you last year and the year before father."

Godfre, acting offended: "Well if no one wants to hear my story I better keep quiet or I'll have a mutiny on my hands. It's my turn to steer anyway, pass me the pole Ake"

If anyone asks Godfre to tell them more of Mal'rock he will gladly tell them of one of these things:

Godfre on Jabu:

"I'll tell you of one funny character. Jabu is a Gnome, but, he has a business in town! Ain't that a rarity? Jabu's he calls it. Imagine a gnome among all those halflings and humans, how this one stands it I know not. Anyway, as gnomes tend to be this one is a master at his art. And his art is spirits. Not the Ju-ju kind mind you, the intoxicating kind. And what an assortment he has. Whatever I could think of, he had it, and of a quality and taste rarely matched. And listen to this, all of the alcohol he has, he makes him self. Ale, cyder, Dandelion wine, Araq..."

Godfre on [[]]

Orc ambush, Geama