Enok of Shamballah
Barbarians of Lemuria: The Breath Of A Demon God
Lifeblood 11/11, Hero Points 4/5, Advancement Points 1
Strength 1, Agility 0, Mind 1, Appeal 3
Brawl 0, Melee 2, Ranged -1, Defence 3,
Barbarian 2, Gladiator 2, Mariner 0, Mercenary 0
Boons: Beast Friend, Keen Scent
Flaws: Feels the Cold
Gear: Extremely large and elaborate two-handed sword, spiked pauldrons (Light Armour).
Enok, once a warrior of renown, now spends more time sitting in taverns and ranting about his exploits than producing new ones. It has been noted by those who bother to pay attention to him that many of his stories are verifiably less than true, but it is difficult to discern if he is making things up or has genuinely forgotten how things actually went. Surviving for years on the not-inconsiderable pile of gold he'd accumulated throughout his splendid adventures, his gut has gone south and his once formidable pecs have lost their brazen luster. Despite his resources, he has not bothered to replace any of the gear he once used and still makes a valiant attempt to wear his old loincloth and spiked pauldrons, using generous quantities of twine to hold them in place on his skinny frame. His grey hair hangs down well over his eyes, his hooked nose poking through the fringe like a rock from the sea.
Among those who once heard the tales of his deeds (and still believe them), he has a surprising degree of enduring celebrity. Enok keeps encounters with such people brief and taut, lest they wise up.