Freeman the Frail
A character in the Idleandsturdy B/X Campaign.
Freeman the Frail
- Neutral Thief 2
- XP: 1,345/2,400
- Backstory: Freeman grew up the son of a potter. He had the skill to make fine pottery but also the desire for more wealth than a common trade could provide. At age 13, he left home and sought out bigger scores.
- 09 STR
- 05 INT
- 10 WIS
- 09 DEX
- 08 CON (-1 HP per HD)
- 15 CHA (+1 reactions)
- HP: 6
- AC: 7
- Attack: Short bow, 1d6 dmg
- Movement: 120/40/120
- Treasure-bearing movement:
- Saves:
- 13 Death Ray or Poison
- 14 Magic Wands
- 13 Paralysation or Petrification
- 16 Dragon Breath
- 15 Rod, Stave, or Spell:
- Leather armor (200 cn)
- Short bow (30 cn)
- Quiver with 20 arrows
- Sword (60 cn)
- Waterskin
- Rope, 50'
- Thieves' tools
- Backpack
- 20 Open Locks
- 15 Remove Traps
- 25 Pick Pockets
- 25 Move Silently
- 88 Climb Sheer Surfaces
- 15 Hide in Shadows
- 1-2 Hear Noise
- 3 gp
- 15 gp in store credit with Obsbeorn the Officious in Newstead