Tailspins & Tiki Gods:The Authorities

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The Colonial Government

Governor: Frédéric Marie Jean Baptiste Chastenet de Géry [RL person.]

HQ: Colonial capital at Papeete.

The French method of colonial government is called "Direct Rule". There is no official acknowledgement of tribal life or mores. The state owns all land not privately owned. (The Kamekame shrewdly played this game, having scrambled to "buy" their own lands with trade-goods in the 1800s.)

There is also a Privy Council and a General Council… but they are not much concern locally.


The Mayor's Office

The Port Authority

The Police

The Gendarmes: As in all overseas territories, the Gendarmerie are here to enforce the law. They also act as game wardens, of a sort, and report to the Mayor. There is a brigade (the smallest police unit) in Port Cochere.

There is a small jail here, but actual magistrates are far off. So things tend to be “handled locally”. The penal colony in New Caledonia is where the worst offenders go.