The World Tree/Act 1

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Scene III (XXXX xp)

An Unexpected Visitor

Regardless of whether the the party sleeps within the outpost or outside, Magnus will visit the party at their most vulnerable moment. Should the party keep watch, Magnus will arrive on the lowest roll, regardless of score. He will attempt to persuade the party into joining his side, to find the World Tree and destroy it. Should they refuse, he will attack them.

Allow players to make any kind of checks or readied actions.

That is when you feel it. The ground rumbles and a heavy feeling fills your heart as you sense a faint smell of sulfur in the air. And that is when you see him.

If characters draw swords and attack at this juncture, he will sheathe his sword, teleport behind a single attacker, or surround himself in an aura that is impenetrable, causing 2d6 necrotic damage to those who attempt. Magnus is not wanting to fight but merely have them join him. He will continue with his actions to the best of his ability, stopping if the players seem to attack.

What you notice first about him is the sheer size of him. He stands to almost eight feet, with black armor forming horns and points over the entirety. Red glowing eyes shine from under his helm and his mere footfalls seem to cause the earth to tremble. He carries a jagged sword at his side and when he stops before you, he places it in front of him like a cane. He pauses for a moment and releases a wicked laugh before addressing you.

"It appears we have the same enemy, you and I. Do you know who I am? (Magnus won't respond to their answer at this point) I am not very much different from you. We are merely pawns that seek to stay on the board, hoping to survive another day in this twisted world. We spend everyday looking for ways to make us stronger to fight enemies we can not overcome and we seek answers to questions that have not been addressed. Within all of this, we are tossed into a war of the deities, awaiting an outcome that will crush us or save us. We may be on opposing sides of this war, but this is a war we can stop."

"With our alliance, we will rival the power of the sun, surviving the oncoming destruction of the ages. Things have been set into motion that cannot be stopped, which will allow me reign of this world. But my reign does not leave all to waste. I will spare those who aid me. Should you join me, we will find this World Tree together and bring power to mortals (a DC 15 insight check will show that this is for an ulterior motive and only a half truth). The gods will be left to themselves and we will be left to our selves. The world shall be cleansed and under my rule, the world will NEVER be the same."

Magnus laughs again before turning his back to them (with an attack at this juncture provoking the encounter) and says to them:

"The world is beyond saving, its vile filth overpowering the just. It is up to us to create the world as it should be." He turns back to the party. "Shall you join me?"

The Toll Collectors of Thal

The Thal
The Thal

When the players are ready to continue, describe the following regardless of whether horses or by foot is taken.

The trip from Valea to Thal is a short one, only taking a day's journey to arrive. As you pass through the countryside, the coastal weeds and unkempt grass become shorter and less tangled. Trees begin to grow sporadically until the form small groves and meadows. The ocean smell is left behind as you insects begin to buzz around you if you pause even for a moment. The air his thick with humidity as the sounds of songbirds and other wildlife become more abundantly clear.

The bell tower and town hall can be seen over the trees amassing in the distance, it would seem as if though you will be able to reach arrive in no time. The stench coming from your armor and dust collecting on your boots tell you the rest will be well appreciated.


What happens next is up to the players. As the DM narrates the following sequence, players may insist on a check to hide. Two men are walking down the road. This will require a DC 17 Stealth Check, due to the two figures watching the party traveling. Keep whether the rolls were a success or failure a secret and continue with the encounter.

If the entire party hides successfully, the two will continue one, awarding experience equivalent for the two of them. If anyone in the party fails, the two men will stage a conversation about whether one remembered the money for the toll ahead. They will then be attacked with surprise as other members of the Scarlet Eye sneak up on those who failed.

If the party chooses to confront the two men with words, the following will take place:

Upon the path in the distance, two men are approaching you from the road, seeming as if though they are traveling to Valea. As you approach one another, they call out to you.

"Hold traveler! The toll for this road is 10 gold pieces. You'll have to turn back if you can't pay it."

Then it is up to the players to pay or not to pay. The two can not be persuaded to ignore the toll and if questioned about the reason, will respond with threats and violence, possibly charging more for things such as horses, races, weapon possession, etc. If the party pays and continues, no experience is given. Choosing to fight will invoke an encounter.

If the party failed a stealth check or refuse to pay, begin the encounter. Refer to Prologue Scene Levels for the battle map of this area.


The two collectors will use a whistle to alert those who are hiding to come out of hiding (DC 25 to spot). They will then draw their weapons, attacking the party as a distraction. The remaining attackers (See Prologue Scene Levels) will fire from their hiding spots and surround the players (1st playthrough lycanthrope clan). These enemies would rather die than be captured, hoping to contain their purpose, but will flee if they are over run. If captured, they will drink a poison to kill themselves, hiding the information.

Features of the Area:

Illumination: Bright on the road, dim if within the shadows of the trees.

Terrain Features: Flat dust and dirt on the road, dense foliage off the path requires a DC 12 Athletics or Acrobatics to pass through 5 feet.

Treasure: 70 gold dispersed among them.


Whether the toll collectors are avoided or attacked, the path to the Thal is now clear. Upon investigation of the bodies, the players will find a symbol much like Glorik had with a labeling of "Scarlet Eye" below it. It is unclear as to what this could mean, but if citizens in the Thal are questioned about it, they will claim them to be mercenaries for hire but not a bandit group. Be sure to show the players IMAGE#1 for memories sake (The Scarlet Eye is a group hired by Magnus to stop the travelers.)

Tough Dogs


When the players travel in a direction other than to Thal or if the law has been summoned during the previous scene, they are stopped by a group of 20 guards with a carriage. As they surround you, one of the guards reads a decree that you are to be arrested for your crimes against Orland, including counts of arson, burglary, blackmail, and vandalism. If the players explain their purpose for violence in The Salty Dog and pass a DC 8 Persuasion, the guards will forgo the charges of violence, but will insist you to join them, even explaining to the PCs that they have been sent by Orland due to him being in grave danger. If the party is able to talk their way out of the imprisonment, the guards will follow behind the PCs until they know they will go to Valea, allowing them to continue their journey.

If the party refuses, the guards will use force, sparking combat. The PCs will either escape or be captured. If captured, skip to Act I Scene I with them being unloaded in front of the bell tower.

Should the PCs escape this obligation by killing all the guards or escaping in some way, skip to Act # Scene #.

The following is for formatting uses ONLY, not accurate information.