Smiling Pete
A character in the Idleandsturdy B/X Campaign.
Smiling Pete
- Chaotic Magic-User 2
- XP: 3182/5000
- Backstory: A sorcerer of superficially charming but shallow affect. Clumsy, but good with a knife.
- STR 13 +1
- INT 13 +1
- WIS 7 -1
- DEX 4 -2
- CON 10
- CHA 16 +1 Reaction, +2 Retainers
- HP: 8
- AC: 9
- Attack: Dagger, +1 hit/damage
- Movement: 120
- Treasure-bearing movement:
- Saves: (Note wisdom penalty)
- Death Ray or Poison 13
- Magic Wands 14
- Paralysation or Petrification 13
- Dragon Breath 16
- Rod, Stave, or Spell: 15
- First level: 2
- Charm Person X
- Detect Magic
- Floating Disc
- Hold Portal
- Light
- Magic Missile
- Protection From Evil
- Read Languages
- Read Magic
- Shield
- Sleep X
- Ventriloquism
- Gear
- Backpack (80cn)
- Lantern
- 5 flasks of oil
- 1 week standard rations
- 1 week iron rations
- Bedroll
- Tinderbox/Flint & Steel
- Armament (30cn)
- Silver Dagger
- Normal Dagger
- Flask of Holy Water
- Coin purse (20cn)
- 100gp gem
- Total Encumbrance: 130