Forgotten Freedom:Crystal
female Kalastar telepath 5/thrallherd 10
Crystal was origionally Kanatash's lover before he had his unfortunate little trip to Xoriat. Afterwards she tried to track him down to put him out of his misery. Unfortunately she was a telepath in training so she tried to directly assault his mind. Under normal circumstances entering Kanatash's mind is a death wish and being fresh from Xoriat the mental feedback was even more massive, reducing her mind to that of a teenage valleygirl. This feedback has also had the side effects including a bizarre obsession with Kanatash akin to that of a groupie towards a rock star and the development of her thrallherd levels. On thing of note about her thralls is she has more of them than anyone cares to count and for all intents and purposes they are identical. She is normally seen in groups of at least three talking among themselves. She tends to charm or dominate other crew members into doing all sorts of tasks for her as well.
Crystal is best known among the crew for her annoyingly high pitched voice and even more annoyingly cheerful personality not to mention her abuse of the common tongue and the word "like" in particular. She is also truly obsessed with Kanatash, treating him like he is some sort of celebrity and constantly stalking him. She has a really creepy collection of things that used to belong to him that she displays to anyone who will look and plenty of people who wont. She spends a lot of time among her thralls talking about how "hunky" Kanatash is and tracking his every move. On Kanatash's part he is completely freaked out by her and really wants to be rid of her. The crew treats Crystal more like infestation than anything else and there have been numerous attempts at purges. These purges have all failed although they have significantly reduced the population of the nations of Ebberon as Crystal draws on their citizens to replace her lost thralls. The truth is Crystal's consciousness is spread throughout her thralls, and the only way to permanently slay would be to slay every one of them at exactly the same moment, a nigh impossible task. The crew has compromised by trapping all known Crystal's in an extradimensional prison. The only individual who can tolerate Crystal is, ironically, Caralot who is Kanatash's new lover. The crew allows this since Caralot has managed to remove her Crystal's voice box and mentally neuter it to prevent it from attracting new thralls.