Yevgeny Kerchenko

Yevgeny Kerchenko
- Level 8 (Warrior)
- XP: 128320/250640
- Age: 27
- Homeworld:Toowers
- Languages: Russian, English, French
- Background & Description:
Showing an early aptitude for a) mathematics and b) violence, Yevgeni was accepted as a swabbie into the Towers spacefleet. He made the mistake of showing up the ship's gunnery officer, Abram Ponchikov, a younger of one of the families that rule the Hives. The Ponchikovs retaliated by ruining Yevgeny's family and having Yevgeny reassigned to the Anti-Indigenous arm of the Towers ground forces, a dangerous and un-rewarding posting. Fortunately, Yevgeny's training with heavy weapons and his tenacity enabled him to beat the odds and survive several expeditions to eliminate some of the more obstreperous fauna in Towers' hinterlands.
Once news of the Chittik reached Towers, Yevgeny saw his chance to make a name for himself off-world. Cashing in every favor he'd earned, he got himself smuggled off Towers along with a crate of "defective" military hardware. He intends to sign on with an independent outfit, accrue fortune and glory saving the State from the Chittik Menace, and return in triumph to Towers to raise his family up to the ruling class, and take down the Ponchikovs in the bargain.
- Strength: 10
- Dexterity: 14
- Constitution: 14
- Intelligence: 14
- Wisdom: 7
- Charisma: 10
Combat Block
- Movement Rate: 20
- Hit Points: 51
- System Strain: 0/14
- Armor Class
- Powered Armor - AC 0
- Armored Undersuit - AC 6
- Attacks
- Heavy Machine Gun: +9 to hit, 3d6 damage. Range 500/2000/
- Grenade Launcher: +9 to hit, 2d8 damage. Range 50/150/
- Mag Rifle: +8 to hit, 2d8+2 damage. Range 300/600/
- Mag Pistol: +8 to hit, 2d6+2 damage. Range 100/300/
- Monoblade: +6 to hit, 1d8+1 damage. Melee
- Saves
- Physical: 8
- Mental: 11
- Evasion: 10
- Tech: 12
- Luck: 9
- Athletics - 1
- Combat
- Energy - 0
- Gunnery - 3
- Primitive - 0
- Projectile - 2
- Unarmed - 0
- Computer - 0
- Culture
- Spacer - 0
- Exosuit - 1
- Leadership - 0
- Perception - 1
- Stealth - 0
- Survival - 0
- Tactics - 2
- Vehicle
- Grav - 0
Armed For Bear
- Armor: Powered Armor
- Weapons:Mag Pistol, Monoblade
- Consumables: 1 Mag Pistol mag, 1 HMG mag
- Gear: Compad
- Weapons: HMG w/ Grenade Launcher
- Consumables: 3 HMG mags(packed), 3 Mag Pistol mags(packed), 1 Grenade pack, 6 A Power Cells(packed), 1 Lazarus Patch, 1 day rations, 1 day water
- Gear: Survival Kit, Pressure Tent, Vac fresher
Looking For Trouble
- Armor: Powered Armor
- Weapons: Mag Rifle, Monoblade
- Consumables: 1 Mag Rifle mag
- Gear: Compad
- Weapons: Mag Pistol
- Consumables: 6 Mag Rifle mags(packed), 3 Mag Pistol mags(packed), 6 A Power Cells(packed), 2 Lazarus Patches, 1 Air Tank, 1 day rations, 1 day water
- Gear: Survival Kit, Vac fresher, Pressure Tent, Dataslab
In Civilized Areas
- Armor: Armored Undersuit
- Weapons: Mag Pistol, Monoblade
- Consumables: 1 Mag Pistol mag
- Gear: Compad
- Weapons:
- Consumables: 3 Mag Pistol mags(packed), 1 Lazarus Patch
- Gear: Dataslab
Yevgeny left Towers with enough funds to get him to Tenebrous station, and live frugally for about a month, but otherwise has no money to speak of.
- Credits:
- Credit Chips Carried:
- Electronic Credits Carried:
- Stowed: