Space Corps Regulations

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  • 001
    • It is a prime overriding duty to contact other lifeforms, exchange information, and, whenever possible, bring them home.
  • 003
    • By joining Star Corps, each individual tacitly consents to give up his inalienable rights to life, liberty, and adequate toilet facilities.
  • 005
    • The ship's computer may be replaced when its actions lead to the gross endangerment of personnel.
  • 112
    • A living crew member always out-ranks a mechanical crew member.
  • 142 In a hostage demand situation, a hologrammatic personality is entirely expendable
  • 147 Crew members are expressly forbidden from leaving their vessel except on production of a permit. Permits can only be issued by the Chief Navigation Officer, who is expressly forbidden from issuing them except on production of a permit.
  • 169 In a emergency hologram situation, the holograms must be placed on a time share schedule.
  • 195 In an emergency power situation, a hologrammatic crew member must lay down his life in order that the living crew members might survive.
  • 312 Crew members in quarantine must be provided with minimum leisure facilities. (Rimmer takes this to mean: 'a chess set with 31 missing pieces, a knitting magazine with a pull-out special on crocheted hats, a puzzle magazine with all the crosswords completed and a video of the excellent cinematic treat, Wall-Papering, Painting, And Stippling — A DIY Guide.)
  • 349 Any officer found to have been slaughtered and replaced by a shape-changing chameleonic life form shall forfeit all pension rights.
  • 497 When a crewmember has run out of credits, food may not be supplied until the balance is restored.
  • 592 In an emergency situation involving two or more officers of equal rank, seniority will be granted to whichever officer can program a VCR.
  • 595 Any crew member who has been in direct contact with diseases must enter quarantine for a period of 3 months. See also Space Corps Directive 699 can be used to demand a re-screening after five days.
  • 596 Crew files are for the eyes of the Captain only.
  • 597 One berth per registered crew member.
  • 699 A quarantined crew member can request a re-screening after a period no less than 5 days. If no trace of disease is found they can leave Quarantine.
  • 723 Terraformers are expressly forbidden from recreating Swindon.
  • 997 Work done by an officer's doppleganger in a parallel universe cannot be claimed as overtime.
  • 1694 During temporal disturbances, no questions shall be raised about any crew member whose timesheet shows him/her clocking off 187 years before he/she clocked on.
  • 1742 No member of the Corps should ever report for active duty in a ginger toupee.
  • 1743 No registered vessel should attempt to transverse an asteroid belt without deflectors.
  • 5796 No officer above the rank of mess sergeant is permitted to go into combat with pierced nipples.
  • 5797 A crew member is unable to enter the ship for the safety of the crew when in an area of chameleonic lifeforms, especially if that crew member might infact be a brain sucking psychotic temporal lobe slurper.
  • 7214 To preserve morale during long-haul missions, all male officers above the rank of First Technician must, during panto season, be ready to put on a dress and a pair of false breasts.
  • 7713 The log must be kept up to date at all times with current service records, complete mission data, and a comprehensive and accurate list of all crew birthdays so that senior officers may avoid bitter and embarrassing silences when meeting in the corridor with subordinates who have not received a card.
  • 12532 Space Corps super chimps performing acts of indecency in zero-gravity will lose all banana privileges.
  • 34124 No officer with false teeth should attempt oral sex in zero gravity.
  • 43872 Suntans will be worn during off-duty hours only.
  • 68250 A rabbi shall sacrifice one or more chickens in an attempt to solve a crisis situation.
  • 98247 No Officer should be left behind on an inhabited planet unless he is missing two or more limbs.
  • 112145 The primary overriding duty of the Space Corps is to contact other life forms, exchange information, and, wherever possible, bring them home.
  • 196156 Any officer caught sniffing the saddle of the exercise bicycle in the women's gym will be discharged without trial.
  • 1947945 A mechanoid may issue orders to human crew members if the lives of said crew members are directly or indirectly under threat from a hitherto unperceived source and there is inadequate time to explain the precise nature of the enormous and most imminent death threat.
  • 5724368217968/B At all times show your allegiance to Red Dwarf in the US by picking up your phone and calling your local public television station with your pledge.
  • 39436175880932/B All nations attending the conference are only allocated one car parking space.
  • 39436175880932/C
    • POWs have a right to non-violent constraint.

Rimmer Directives

  • 271 No chance, you metal bastard (Used to counter Space Corps Directive 195).
  • An unspecified directive after the crew was attacked by a polymorph (simply referred to as "The Rimmer Directive"): 'Never tangle with anything that's got more teeth than the entire Osmond family.'