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Game: ArsMagicalGirl

Mario is native covenfolk, strong and simple. When Faith moved from Torino to Codalet, her sponsor Lindy assigned Mario to her. He'd guard her, she wouldn't be mean to him.

He's not very happy about leaving the world he knew, especially moving a place where the only people he shares language with are magi and high ranking custodes. But he's used to obeying magi, and he liked obeying Lindy, so he committed himself to her order of "Faith is very precious, obey her and keep her safe."

Seeing Provence by cart was certainly interesting, if also tedious, as the only one handling the animals.


  • Lindy: God
  • Faith: the new god
  • other magi: lesser, more terrifying, gods.
  • Caro: god's adopted daughter. They still can't talk much.


Characteristics: Int -2, Per 0, Pre -1, Com +1, Str +4, Sta +2, Dex 0, Qik +1

Size: 0

Age: 22

Reputation: gullible

Virtues and Flaws: Covenfolk, Warrior, Great Strength, Tough (+3 soak), Covenant Upbringing, Poor Learner, Weak-Willed

Personality: Brave +3, Loyal +3, In awe of magi +3

Combat: Axe and Heater (Init 2, Attack +10, Def +11, Dam +10); Fist (Init 1, Att +3, Def +4, Dam +4), Knife (Init 1, Att +4, Def +4, Dam +6)

Soak: +12 (full metal scale armor 7, Stamina 2, Tough 3)

Fatigue: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious

Wound: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incap (16-20)

Abilities: Animal Handling 3 (horses), Athletics 3, Awareness 4 (alertness), Brawl 3, Catalan 1 (military) , Italian 5 (storytelling), Latin 3 (military), Order of Hermes Lore 1, Music 1 (sing) (+5 xp), Ride 1, Single weapon 6 (heater shield)

Equip: Axe, Heater Shield, Full metal scale

Enc: 0 (8)