Mr The Geoff's character in LetsBuild5e.
Full Name (Orcish): Rulnzakad Banad Zagharkad
Full Name (Old Imperial): Zaggartir Kumötib
Nicknames (Orcish, familiar): Tobanad, Tolrulnzakad
Nickname (Orcish, derogatory): Hobamtyad
Race: Half Orc (size Medium)
Class/Level: Bard 3
Alignment: Neutral Good (by Orc standards of good/evil morality)
Experience: 900 (need 2,700)
Quick Reference Numbers
Proficiency: +2
Passive Perception: 0
Initiative: +2
AC: 16
Spell Save DC: 12
- STR 16 (+3/+3)
- DEX 14 (+2/+4)
- CON 14 (+2/+2)
- INT 9 (-1/-1)
- WIS 8 (-1/-1)
- CHA 14 (+2/+4)
- Acrobatics (DEX) +4
- Animal Handling (WIS) +0
- Arcana (INT) +0
- Athletics (STR) +4
- Deception (CHA) +3
- History (INT) +3 (double proficiency bonus)
- Insight (WIS) +0
- Intimidation (CHA) +6 (double proficiency bonus)
- Investigation(INT) +0
- Medicine (WIS) +0
- Nature (INT) +0
- Perception (WIS) +0
- Performance (CHA) +4
- Persuasion (CHA) +4
- Religion (INT) +1
- Sleight of Hand (DEX) +3
- Stealth (DEX) +3
- Survival (WIS) +0
Tool Proficiencies
- Disguise Kit
- Drum
- Horn
- Flute
- Lyre
- Old Imperial
- Orcish
- Opportunity Attack
Bonus Actions:
- Bardic Inspiration
- Combat Inspiration
(2/long rest)
Permanent Max HP: 26
Temporary Max HP: 26
Current HP: 26
Hit Dice:
- 3(d8+2) used 0
- DEX +2
- Longsword (+5 to hit, 1d8+3 slashing, versatile 1d10)
- Savage attacks: on critical roll one extra damage die
- Dagger (+5 to hit, 1d4+3 piercing, thrown range 20/60)
- Vicious Mockery (60' range, +4 to hit, on failed wis save deals 1d4 damage + 1 round disadvantage on attack rolls)
- Iron Breastplate 14
- DEX +2
- all Light & Medium armour
- all Simple & Martial weapons
- Run: 30' (encumbered 20')
- Darkvision 60'
- Instrumentalist
- Storyteller
By Popular Demand You can always find a place to perform, usually in an inn or tavern but possibly with a circus, at a theatre, or even in a noble's court. At such a place, you receive free lodging and food of a modest or comfortable standard (depending on the quality of the establishment), as long as you perform each night. In addition, your performance makes you something of a local figure. When strangers recognise you in a town where you have performed, they typically take a liking to you.
Trait: I love a good insult, even one directed at me (I won't leave the insult unanswered though, I'll just respond with a better one).
Ideal: Tradition (the stories, legends & songs of the past must never be forgotten, for they teach us who we are).
Bond: I idolise a hero of the old tales & measure my deeds against that person's.
Flaw: Naive & Idealistic almost to the point of gullibility.
Class Features
- Spellcasting
- Bardic Inspiration (d6) (2/long rest)
- Jack of All Trades (1/2 proficiency bonus on untrained skills)
- Song of Rest (d6)
- Bardic College - College of Valour
- Expertise (History, Intimidation)
- Ritual Casting
- Casting Focus (Musical Instrument)
- combat Inspiration
- Mending
- Vicious Mockery
1st Level
- Cure Wounds
- Detect Magic (ritual)
- Feather Fall
- Healing Words
- Dissonant Whispers
2nd Level
- Hold Person
- Longsword (Spatha)
- Leather Armour
- Dagger (bone handled, bronze, cheaply made)
- Horn
- War Drum
- Traditional Orcish Bone Flute
- Costume (traditional tribal storyteller garb, heavy on the glass beads, animal teeth, body paint, fur etc.)
- Costume (fashionable gown suitable for posh events (looted from sacking of mage's guild)
- Costume (simple outfit for low class venues)
- Entertainer's pack
- Bedroll
- Waterskin
- Candles (5)
- Rations (5)
- a favour from an admirer (possibly a lewd poem, an item of clothing, a body part)
- Disguise Kit
- Belt Pouch with 13gp