Ezekial Thomas

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Revision as of 01:18, 29 September 2015 by (talk) (Skills)
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Agent Name: Ezekial Thomas
Code Name: Spectre
Profession: Special Forces
Nationality: American
Sex (Age): Male (28)
Education: Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering (University of Illinois)


Score x5 What Others Notice
Strength 08 40
Constitution 13 65
Dexterity 15 75
Intelligence 12 60
Power 16 80
Charisma 05 25

Derived Attributes

Maximum Current
Hit Points (HP) 11
Willpower (WP) 16
Sanity (SAN) 75
Breaking Point (BP) 59

Incidents of SAN loss without going insane

Violence O O O adapted
Helplessness O O O adapted


Jamal Delgado (Long Term Copilot) 5

Motivations and Mental Disorders


Special Forces: Alertness 50%, Athletics 60%, Demolitions 40%, Firearms 60%, Heavy Weapons 50%, Melee Weapons 60%, Military Science (Technology & Equipment) 60%,
Navigate 50%, Stealth 50%, Survival 50%, Swim 50%, Unarmed Combat 60%, Drive (Auto) 60%

Military Officer: Bureaucracy +20%, Firearms +20%, History +20%, Military Science (Strategy & Doctrine) +20%, Navigate +20%, Persuade +20%, Unarmed Combat +20%,
Pilot (Helicopter) +20%

Entering Delta Green: Occult +10%, Alertness +10%, Athletics +10%, Dodge +10%, Stealth +10%,

Total Total Total
Accounting (10%) 10% First Aid (10%) 10% Science (0%)
Alertness (20%) 50 +10 60% Forensics (0%) Search (20%) 20%
Anthropology (0%) Heavy Weapons (0%) 50 50% SIGINT (0%)
Archeology (0%) History (10%) +20 30% Stealth (10%) 50 +10 60%
Art (0%): HUMINT (10%) 10% Surgery (0%)
Artillery (0%) Law (0%) Survival (10%) 50 50%
Athletics (30%) 60 +10 70% Medicine (0%) Swim (20%) 50 50%
Bureaucracy (10%) +20 30% Melee Weapons (30%) 60 60% Unarmed Combat (40%) 60 +20 80%
Computer Science (0%) Military Science (0%) 60:

Technology and Equipment

60% Unnatural (0%)
Craft (0%): Foreign Languages and Other Skills:
Criminology (10%) 10% Navigate (10%) 50 +20 70% Military Science (0%) +20:

Strategy and Doctrine

Demolitions (0%) 40 40% Occult (10%) +10 +10 30%
Disguise (10%) 10% Persuade (20%) +20 40%
Dodge (30%) +10 40% Pharmacy (0%)
Drive Auto (20%) 60 60% Pilot (0%) +20: Helicopter 20%
Drive Heavy Machine (10%) 10% Psychotherapy (10%) 10%
Firearms (20%) 60 +20 80% Ride (10%) 10%

Physical Injuries and Ailments

Has First Aid been attempted since your last injury? If yes, only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further

Armor and Equipment

Body armor reduces the damage of all attacks except Called Shots and successful Kill Damage.


Skill % Base Range Damage Armor Piercing Kill Damage Kill Radius Shots

Personal Details, Work Performance, Special Training and Other Notes

+10% Occult, -5 SAN, -3 CHA (Losing 3 CHA means -3 from each Bond), Adapted to Violence

Ezekial is a USAF Pave Hawk pilot, familiar with flying and missions involving both the HH-60 and the MH-60. He's served tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
Years of military service combined with a strong level of discomfort around "civilians" means he's got very few friends or contacts outside of the service.
His closest companion is his long time(he's one of the few people that has been able to put up with Ezekial over a prolonged period) co-pilot, Jamal Delgado.
Tall at 6'5", with a long banged military high and tight, his blue eyes are haunted by the memories of every man picked up or dropped off who didn't make it home.
Of landing and having blood and remains slosh out on to the tarmac, too many times.

What brought you to Delta Green?
A higher up, who was already a member of Delta Green, recruited him.

Why do they trust you and ask your help?
Insertion and Extraction are essential skills. Additionally his exemplary service record has given no one any reason to doubt him.
In addition to this he's got combat arms skills from his prolonged time in the military.

Why do you agree to it despite the risks?