Decimus Numerous
A character in the Into the Unknown B/X Campaign.
- Alignment Lawful Class MU Level 4
- XP: 0/Whatever
- Backstory: 50 word maximum.
- STR 8 -1 to hit/damage
- INT 18
- WIS 15
- DEX 10 +0
- CON 16 +2
- CHA 9 +0
- HP:
- AC:
- Attack:
- Movement:
- Treasure-bearing movement:
- Saves:
- Death Ray or Poison
- Magic Wands
- Paralysation or Petrification
- Dragon Breath
- Rod, Stave, or Spell:
Racial Abilities
- Encumbrance: Gear 90 Treasure 10
- 2gp, 8sp
- Dagger
- A backpack
- 1 week of standard rations
- 1 week of iron rations
- 50' of rope
- tinder box
- 6 torches
- 1 Waterskin
- Spell Book