Baldri Orelode
A character in the Morgansfort campaign.
- Dwarf Cleric 1
- XP: 0/1500
- STR 7 (-1)
- INT 10
- WIS 11
- DEX 6 (-1)
- CON 10
- CHA 7 (-1)
- Common
- Dwarf
Racial Abilities
- 60' Darkvision
- detect passages,traps, walls, new construction on 1-2 on 1d6
- Saving throws: +4 vs all but Dragon Breath, +3 vs. DB
Class Abilities
- Turn the Undead
- Someday, maybe, spells
- HP: 5/5
- AC: 15
- Mace +0, 1d8-1 Damage
- Sling +0, 1d4 Damage. 30/60/90
- Init: -1
- Move: 10'
- Saving Throws:
- Death/Poison 11
- Wands 12
- Paralysis/Stone 14
- Dragon Breath 16
- Spells 15
- Equipment: (69 lbs, heavy)
- Armor: Chain mail
- Weapons: Mace, sling
- Gear: Backpack, Belt Pouch, Cloak, Clothes, Holy Symbol, Wineskin, Rations dry, Torches, 6
- Miscellaneous Magic:
- Treasure:
- First Level. 0 per day.
- Spell
- Spell
- Spell
- Whatever