WFRP2 Age of Exploration Gustav Kohle

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Character Sheet
Character NameGustav Kohle
Player NameEbony
RaceHuman (Nordlander)
Current CareerTheif
Previous Career(s)
DescriptionTall and very thin, Gustav looks like someone who's almost starved to death. He has very little in the way of body fat, and his muscles are starkly defined as a result. He has big hands with long fingers. He stands with a slouch most of the time, a remnant of his time in the Count's silver mines. The burn scar on his face is no longer shiny and new, but the injury is still fairly fresh and very obvious.

So, yeah, Gustav used to be a heavier guy. He used to be a pretty good thief. He was young, he was fast, and he was lucky. And then his luck ran out. Caught after a series of remarkable thefts, he was brought before the court of Count Theodoric Gausser of Nordland for judgement. Ordinarily, His Grace would have just had him hung for his crimes, but Gustav used to be a pretty good looking guy too, and he used to talk a good game. He managed to convince the Count that prison would be a better punishment. The Count agreed, and Gustav thought he'd avoided the worst of it... until the jailers in Nordland's prison branded his face with a big "T" and locked him away for what he was told was going to be at least 20 years.

Prison is a nasty place. Gustav lost a lot of weight, and he lost a lot of his charm (brand notwithstanding). He became tough and wiry. And finally, after 10 years working in Nordland's silver mines, he had an opportunity. A lazy guard, a rainy night, and an opportune moment, and he was out and away, escaping into the wilderness, with the guard's purse and sword.

Knowing that the brand on his face meant that he would be recognized for what he was as soon as he got into civilization, he resorted to a desperate move. Having heated the blade of the sword in a fire, he pressed the hot metal to his original wound. Fighting through the pain, he managed to put a large enough and serious enough burn in its place, and a few coins from the guard's purse got him a poultice and bandages.

Having removed the main mark of his guilt, Gustav is now trying to get as far from Salzenmund as he can. A trade company ship leaving the Empire is tailor-made.

Starting 36 32 33 43 40 35 30 24
Advancements +5* +5 +15** +5* +10
Current 41 32 33 43 45 40 30 24
Starting 1 13 3 4 4 0 0 2
Misc Modifiers +2
Current 1 13 3 4 4 0 0 2

Very Resilient
Very Strong


Speak Language (Norse)
Speak Language (Reikspeil)
Common Knowledge (The Empire, +10% Nordlander)
Scale Sheer Surface
Pick Lock
Slight of Hand
Secret Langauge (Thieves' Tongue)
Silent Moves

Spells Known
Trappings & Money Gold Crowns (gc): 11
Silver Schillings (s): 0
Brass Pennies (p): 0

Light Armor (Leather Jerkin)
Common Clothing
Tattered Cloak
Wodden Tankard
Wooden Cutlery Set
Sling Bag
Lock Picks
Hand Weapon: Sword (SB dmg)
10 Yards of Rope

ExperienceAvailable: 0px
Total Earned: 200xp
XP Spent: 300xp