Social Rules
When the heroes interact with most folks, they will simply state their desires and the NPCs will respond accordingly (accomodating, or with a price, or hostile, as the situation warrants). But when important things are at stake, a Social Contest is a way to resolve the meeting using the rules of the game.
The first decision that must be made is whether the heroes will act united as a group or independently. For a group, there is one Threshold and a single Count for each side in the debate. For individuals, each individual has their own Threshold and Count. (See the extended test rules: [1])
Each group or individual must select an opponent. A group's Threshold is equal to their opponent's Reputation (or for NPCs, their Rating + Bearing) plus the total number of heroes. For individuals, the Threshold is simply the Reputation of the opponent (or Rating + Bearing, as appropriate). Each group or individual must also select a Goal, the desired outcome of the debate.
Initial Assessment
Each social action begins with each side assessing the other. For a group debate, each hero should make a Judge test with the Threshold as the Target. If a hero succeeds, that hero's Wisdom (plus one for each bonus rolled) is used as the beginning Count. Only the best result is used.
For individual social actions, each hero makes a Judge test and uses the result as their beginning count.