Personal Information
- Name: "Rattleskull" (real name: Holland Whent)
- Class: Speaker
- Level: 1
- Background: Vault-Born
- Training: Chieftain
Core Statistics
- 9 STR
- 10 INT (+1)
- 15 WIS (+1)
- 9 DEX
- 4 CON
- 14 CHR (+2)
Vital Stats
- HP: 6
- AC: xx
- 16 Phys
- 12 Ment
- 14 Evade
- 15 Tech
- 13 Luck
- Attack Bonus: +1
- Primary Melee Weapon: +hit, dmg
- Primary Ranged Weapon: +hit, dmg, range, ammo
Class Ability: Speaker's Voice
Class Skills: Bureaucracy 0 History 1 Combat/Primitive 0 Leadership 0 Persuade 0 Steward 0 Survival 0 Culture/Literacy
Non-class Skills: Pretech 0
- 1 Hand-Forged Revolver (belt holster) - 1d8 damage, 30/100 range, 6-round magazine
- 1 Knife (belt sheath) - 1d4 damage, 6/9 range when thrown
- Terran Explorer Suit (worn) - AC 4, encumbrance 0
- Crude backpack (worn)
- 1 Common armor (if not explorer suit)
- 1 Set of Low-Light Goggles (TL3)
- 1 Tent - Encumbrance 4
- Rope, 20m - Encumbrance 2
- 1 Set of Binoculars, TL 2 - Encumbrance 1
- 2 rolls
list the piece of equipment, its condition (if any), and its encumbrance
- 7 days normal rations (bag)
- 7 days water (bag)
- list the piece of equipment, its condition (if any), and its encumbrance