The World Tree/Ikhael/Travel/1
- Country: Goblins, Giant Boar
- Terrain: Forest
Month | Normal Hi/Lo | Abnormal | Inclement | Storm | Powerful Storm |
Hammer | 51/36 | +/- 10 | Rain or Snow (if below 30 at night) | Blizzard or Windstorm (see effects). | |
Alturiak | Goddess of Fate | Neutral | Pictured as a woman with writhing gray hairs of tentacles. She is also sometimes pictured as a large wasp. Those who handle money are commonly associated worshiping Gielel; however, many others of all backgrounds worship her. | ||
Ches | Goddess of Healing | Good | Said to be a maiden with indigo eyes and white skin in human form. Doctors, alchemists, and some clerics, paladins, and druids worship Hasdum. | ||
Adriel | Goddess of Magic | Chaotic, Neutral | Adriel is often said to be a variety of beings, most often a cloud. Those who worship her are often associated as sorcerers and others who have "the gift" naturally occurring inside them. | ||
Althum | God of War | Lawful, Evil | Pictured as a large man in bright armor, often depicted next to Penur. He wears an amulet and carries an ax made of bear bones. His worship is associated with nations in war time and those who have an "inner-battle" to fight. | ||
Gagaur | God of the Underworld | Evil | Gagaur is depicted as having the head of a lizard carrying a skull. Worshiped by creatures of the Underdark and the Shadowfell. | ||
Nazuma | Goddess of Trickery | Chaotic, Evil | Also known as the Deceiver, Nazuma is one of Vareus' true selves. She is worshiped by thieves, charlatans, and some drow. | ||
Nimrielye | Goddess of Time | Good | Nimrielye is believed to be invisible. She is never depicted with the other gods, but is often found within the border or the key of the deities' depiction. | ||
Ra-Orn | Spirit of Nature | Neutral | The embodiment of the world tree, rather than the physical tree itself. Animus Mundi or spirit of the World. |