August Träsköld

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- Main Page; Trellborg Monstrosities

A large red-haired swede, dressed in solid workmanlike clothing. His bushy hair and beard makes it hard to tell his age, though the white at his temples provides some hints. Despite his appearance August is a professor of Norse history and poetry at Uppsala University back in Sweden - he prefers to spend his time hiking in the northern Swedish and Norwegian mountains however, especially these days due to the presence of Rasbiologiska Institutet in Uppsala leaving a sour taste in his mouth. He has aided the Norwegian resistance at several points in the past, ever since his sister's husband (a Norwegian) was killed by the occupying nazis.

Character Details

  • Name: August Träsköld
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 54
  • Occupation: Professor of Norse History
  • Residence:
  • Birthplace: Uppsala


Str: 50/20/8, Con: 60/27/11, Siz: 80/35/14, Int: 75/32/13, Pow: 40/25/10, Dex: 40/20/8:, App: 30/10/4.

  • Hit Points: 14
  • Total Magic Points: 8
  • Damage Bonus: +1d4
  • Build: +1