Save or Die
A play-by-post game using homemade dungeon crawl adventures. This uses the 1981 version of Dungeons & Dragons, edited by Tom Moldvay (B/X series).
Recruitment Thread [1]
Player Characters
Memorial of Dead Heroes
- none
Posting Protocol
Character Death
PC's will probably die in this adventure. When this happens, roll a new one, and the character will be introduced within the adventure as soon as possible, possibly in a harrowing circumstance requiring the party's rescue, assistance, or what have you. I'll also try to keep this area stocked with pregens.
Community Treasure
XP: 0
- pp:
- gp: 0
- ep: 0
- sp: 0
- cp: 0
- 0
- 0
Rare or Magic Items:
- none
Other Items:
- none
Total weight of goods: 0 cn
House Rule Repository
- A natural roll of 20 allows you to re-roll minimum damage until it's no longer a 1.
- Starting characters re-roll if their hit points are 1 or 2 until they are no longer 1 or 2.
- A natural roll of 1 forces you to roll DEX or less on d20 or fumble your weapon.
- Characters can be revived if their hp total is not lower than -5. Other characters administering first aid can make a Wisdom check using d20 and applying a positive penalty equal to the victim's negative hp total.