Big Easy Voodoo Noir: Whiskey Boudreaux
High Concept: Paranormal Private Investigator
Trouble: A Black Woman Playing a White Man's Game
One Detective Chelsea Rye, NOPD
Two Friends in Unexpected Places
Three Friends on the Other Side (Maman Brigitte)
Great (+4) skill: Investigate
Good (+3) skills: Combat, Ritual
Fair (+2) skills: Contacts, Notice, Provoke
Average (+1) skills: Athletics, Drive, Rapport, Stealth
Name: Voodoo Charm
Function: Protective Talisman
Stunts: Danger Sense, Luck be a Lady
Permission: Aspect Slot Indicating the Favor of a Voodoo Loa(s)
Cost: One Refresh
One Blackbelt in Barstool
Two Sharp-Eyed Lady
Three Try Saying That To My Face
Four? They Call Me the Voodoo Woman
Refresh: 1