Butch O'Malley

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[b]'Gruesome' Butch O'Malley[/b] - Bog Orc redcoat [i]Pass me the rum, cause I'm tired of them sherry[/i]

After some conflicts concerning property in his native Guinalea Butch decided Albion was a better place for a fine young, entrepreneurial Orc. After some more conflicts, which seem to follow Butch, he enlisted in the army, were people at least were appriciative of his fighting skills.

Butch was part of a small Bog Orc regiment send to Catalucia. After some minor successe, his regiment was shattered by the elves. After wandering for a while with a few of his mates, he joined a Dark Elf partisan group, sure they drink sherry, but it's still better than water.

Butch is large, even for a Bog Orc. In his belt he has two huge cleavers, and his Bessie is slung over his shoulder. His face is scarred, and his armed are filled with tattoos.

[b]Atributes[/b] Agility d8 (2) Smarts d4 Spirit d4 Strength d12 (3) Vigor d6

[b]Skills[/b] Climbing d4 (1) Fighting d10 (5) Gambling d4 (1) Intimidation d4 (1) Shooting d8 (3) Stealth d4 (1) Survival d4 (1) Throwing d6 (2)

[b]Stats[/b] Pace 6 Parry 2 + 1/2 * Fighting Charisma -2 Toughness 6

[b]Edges[/b] Brawny*, +1 toughness Two-Fisted

[b]Hindrances[/b] Outsider* Bloodthirsty

[b]Gear[/b] Orc "Bessie" 10/20/40 2D8+2 15 1 Flintlock Pistol 5/10/20 2D6+1 3 1 2 Large Cleavers (Chop & Chow)

  • Racial

All changes due to edges & hindrances have been added/subtracted.