The Sanitation Bureau:Rosanne King

The Miser
Attributes: Cool -1; Sharp +1; Intense +2; Humble 0
Factions: Spies +1; Criminals 0; Tinfoil Hats -1; Civilians +1. +1 FROM MISSING ENTRY.
[ ] Faint
[ ] [ ] Grievous
[ ] [ ] Critical
Stress: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ] Take a stress move.
[ ] Take a stress move.
[ ] Take a stress move.
[ ] Take a stress move from another playbook.
[ ] Retire your character. They may return as a duke.
Stress Moves:
- None yet.
Annie King is blue-blood and old-guard. She has long expected to be apart of this clandestine conspiracy. After all, her family has been entwined with it for generations. Rich, connected, self-important: she has little patience for the idea that she might be out of her depth, or in a more precarious position that she believes herself to be.
Obsession: fragments of the one truth.
Her obsession is the same as her mother's, and her grandfather's. Back it goes: the King's eternal search for the one truth - the Akashic Records. Like her family before her, Rose obsessively collects relics or fragments of knowledge to do with the Records or related notions. Believing each and every one of them might open the path to ultimate knowledge.
Magic - Impossible Coincidence: ask and ye shall receive. Naturally ornate, Roseanne's family magic works with unseen forces to answer any request she might have. Phrased almost like a wish, if the magic is successful the world...bends. To accommodate her desire. But she has no inkling of how the world will fulfil her request, or what the consequences of accepting such a request might be.
I owe...Paul Carmody one Debt(s) for stealing a relic of ancient Atlantis, convinced it held knowledge of the first truth.
I owe...Zachary Graves one Debt(s) for accepting his request for me to help him identify the owner of a shoggoth control device, and then holding out on him.
X owes...
Tilt the World: When Roseanne performs a magick ritual, tell the MC what I'm trying to achieve. The MC will tell you "yeah, that'll work" but they'll also tell you 1-3 options from this list...
- You'll have to do it at a particular time.
- You'll need certain ingredients.
- It'll have dangerous side-effects.
- The best you'll be able to do is a crap version, weaker and less reliable.
Sanctum: you have a special place, a rich town house inside the Sanitation Bureau's HQ complex, where you keep all your cherished possessions. Take +1 to all rolls while in this place.
Things Speak: When you handle or examine an interesting object, roll +sharp. On a 10+, ask the MC 3 questions from this list. On a 7-9, ask 1.
- Who owns or covets this thing?
- What about this thing is not what it seems?
- How has this thing recently been used or worked on?
- What strong emotions have been felt near it?
- How can I protect myself from this thing?
- What's wrong with this thing, and how can I fix it?
None yet...'