Diego de Almeida

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Diego de Almeida

ATTRIBUTES Agility d8 (1), Smarts d6 (1), Spirit d8 (2), Strength d6 (1), Vigor d4

Charisma: 0 Pace: 6" Parry: 5 Toughness: 4

SKILLS Climbing d4 (1), Fighting d8 (3), Guts d6 (2), Healing d4 (1), Notice d6 (2), Persuasion d4 (1), Shooting d8 (3), Stealth d6 (2), Taunt d6 (2)

EDGES Fleet-Footed (racial), Ambidextrous

HINDRANCES Loyal (Minor), Loves the Ladies (Minor), Vengeful (Major)

GEAR Pair of Elven Dueling Pistols -- 7/14/28 -- 2D6, Saber -- Str +2, Peasant hunting clothes, leather belt, trail rations, length of rope, flask of port

Background: When the bastard Ferarch invaded, Diego was but a farmer's son whose father went off to fight the oncoming hordes. He wished to go off and join the Catalucian army, but before he knew it, the Elves had occupied the land and taken his home away from him. From that day forward, Diego swore vengeance against the Ferarch occupation and began to resist, much to his mother's protest. She didn't want to lose another loved one.

Diego called on some of his friends from the village to assist him in their resistance. At first, they stole supplies and weapons from the garrisoned soldiers and the Ferarch fort, but they have lately stepped up to ambushes and sabotage, following in the footsteps of Colonel de la Nym. Recently, they rescued a mute woman from the clutches of a lecherous Elvish sergeant. She has reluctantly

-Angelina, scout and tracker. She hasn't spoken since Diego has known her, but her actions speak loud enough. -Alonso, heavy weapons. A likeable, but not too bright blacksmith's apprentice from Diego's village. -Manuel and Benito, guerillas. Brothers, but you wouldn't be able to tell. Manuel is overconfident, loud and obnoxious while Benito is reserved, bookish and intelligent. -Juan Carlos, doctor. The village's apprentice doctor. Isn't there to resist the occuption, but joined up on the request of Diego's mother to make sure no one got killed.

They're a motley and generally hopeless group, but their hearts are fully in the fight. Diego is fiercely loyal to the and won't leave anyone behind.