E&E Variant Rules
E&E Variant Rules
- All Heroes.
- Level 1. Take a general gift. Take a class gift. Gain 1 effort
- Every level after, take a class or general gift. Gain 1 effort/level.
- Taking gifts from other classes is possible on even levels for fighters and rogues and every third level for mages.
All heroes have a fray die. It is the maximum amount of incidental damage they can deal in a combat whilst concentrating on other things (including other opponents).
- MU types D4 Fray die, usable on any HD, 1" per level.
- Thief types D6 Fray die, doubled on surprise attacks. Class Gift at L1 - Climbing.
- Fighter types D8 Fray die, add str bonus. Extra Class Gift at L4,L8,L12.+1 effort at 1st lvl.
MU's have a d4 fray die. They are always considered armed and can use this on one opponent of any level.
MU's (and others) can take apprentice, adept and master levels in these seven arts.
- Inner Alchemy (Alchemists and makers of golems and new living things)
- Apprentice : Find components, Alchemical Preparations, Find magical components, Magical Preparations.
- Adept: Transmute Matter, Transcend Energy.
- Master: Mutate Life-form.
- Dragonmastery (The Inner Dragon, the first primal life)
- Apprentice: Protection form dragons, Dragon tooth, Dragon eye, Dragon paw, Dragon scale, dragon wing.
- Adept: Dragon Breath, Dragon Might.
- Master: High Mastery of Dragons.
- Elementalist (Mastery of the primal forms)
- Apprentice: Protection from elements, Minor conjuration.
- Adept: Major conjuration, full elemental control.
- Master: Metamorphosis
- Illusionist (Glamer weavers)
- Apprentice: Hypnosis, Dream alteration.
- Adept: Delerium Tremens, Shadow reality.
- Master: Dreamlands.
- Necromancy
- Apprentice: Protection from undead, control undead.
- Adept: Create Undead, raise dead.
- Mastery: Attain Lichdom.
- RuneMastery (Naming magic and words of power)
- Apprentice: Runes of Matter, Runes of life.
- Adept: runes of power, runes of magic.
- Mastery: Truename.
- Witchcraft (Magic of the Moon and nature)
- Apprentice: Brews and Philters, Silver tongue, Doll curse, Witches Charm.
- Adept: spellbinding, witches curse, shapechange.
- Master: ultimate possession.
Thieves and fighters have a fray die of D6 and D8 respectively. This is the maximum damage they can do, which is based on their fray die or weapon, whichever is lower. Unarmed fray die are a d4. This fray die can only be used on an opponent of equal or lower hd.
Edit: I should have mentioned that I'm keeping the B/X hp system (with a minor change - Your 1st level hp are maxed and become your Wounds. Any additional hp gained by level are hero points. They will be treated the same as ordinary hp's except they recover a lot quicker (an hour tops). CLW fixes 2-7 wound points and restores 2-7 x level in hp.