STMAG AricNazin

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Character reference for Aric Nazin
Character reference for Aric Nazin

Rank: Commander

Position: First Officer of the USS Magellan

Species: El-Aurian

High Concept: Placeholder

Trouble: New Friends, Old Enemies - Aric has lived a long time and traveled widely, and for all that he may not have intended to get involved with local conflicts in the places he goes, he is inevitably drawn in and has made a name for himself in many places. Sometimes, this leads people to seek out the hero of old for help...other times, it means there are people with very old grudges.

Other Aspects

  • Of Course I Can Fly It
  • Listener
  • Veteran of a Thousand Battles
  • USS Magellan: The resources of the USS Magellan are available to me.


  • Placeholder:
  • Placeholder:
  • Placeholder:
  • First Officer of the Starship Magellan: Because I am First Officer of the USS Magellan, I gain +2 to rolls made aboard her when using relevant skills.
  • Technobabble: Once per session, I can use specialty-related systems (conn/astrogation/flight control) of the USS Magellan to create a temporary Aspect on the fly.


  • Specialty (+3)
  • Diplomatic, Dynamic (+2)
  • Aboard, Away (+1)
  • Scientific (+0)

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