Yela Iolam
- Background:
- Description:
- Max:
- Instant Commitment:
- Scene-Long Commitment:
- Day-Long Commitment:
Attribute | Score | Mod | Check |
Str | 19 | +4 | 2+ |
Dex | 13 | +1 | 8+ |
Con | 13 | +1 | 8+ |
Int | 16 | +2 | 5+ |
Wis | 10 | 0 | 11+ |
Cha | 14 | +1 | 7+ |
- AC:
- HP:
- Movement:
- Attacks:
- Melee:
- Ranged:
- Saves:
- Hardiness:
- Evasion:
- Spirit:
- Origin: Scion of a Perfected Royal Genetic
- Training: Lineage Trained in the secrets of the mind by The Academy of Thought
- Relationship: The Imperial Remnant hunts me because I threaten my Uncle's legitimacy.
- Goal:
- Adventuring Gear
- Possessions
Advancement & Influence
- XP: 0/3
- Dominion Gained: 0
- Dominion Spent: 0/2
- Current Dominion: 0
- Current Influence: 2/2
- (Dominion Project): (dominion spent) + (influence spent): X
- Project Scope:
- Project Effects:
- (Dominion Project): (dominion spent) + (influence spent): X
- Project Scope:
- Project Effects:
- (Dominion Project): (dominion spent) + (influence spent): X
- Project Scope:
- Project Effects:
- (Dominion Project): (dominion spent) + (influence spent): X
Words & Gifts
- Inherent: 19 Strength, lift anything a human can lift.
- Gift: Shoulders Wide as the World
- Gift: Descent of the Mountain
- Inherent: Dispel theurgy and lesser magic.
- Gift: Adept of the Gate
- Gift: Perfection of Understanding
- Inherent: Glow like a brilliant light, never be blinded.
- Gift: Hasten to the Light
- Gift: Body of Burning Light
Lesser Magics
- Low Magic: Archmage of the School of the Mind
- Theurgy
- Adept of the Gate
- Barred Gates of Forbiddance
- Open the Night Road
- Seal of Regnal Dominion
- The Trumpet of Far Utterance
- Adept of the Gate