Brother Chain
- Max: 2
- Instant Commitment:
- Scene-Long Commitment:
- Day-Long Commitment:
Attribute | Score | Mod | Check |
Str | 10 | 0 | 11+ |
Dex | 14 | +1 | 7+ |
Con | 16 | +2 | 5+ |
Int | 18 | +3 | 3+ |
Wis | 13 | +1 | 8+ |
Cha | 14 | +1 | 7+ |
- AC: 2
- HP: 10
- Movement: 30' run
- Melee:
- Ranged:
- Hardiness: 13+
- Evasion: 12+
- Spirit: 14+
- Origin:
- Training:
- Relationship:
- Goal:
Advancement & Influence
- XP: 0
- Dominion Gained: 0
- Dominion Spent: 0
- Current Dominion: 0
- Current Influence: 2/2
Words & Gifts
- Inherent: create any non-magical object a normal man could carry as a round's action, using materials at hand; crafting efforts count as 100 laborers per level
- Command the Wheels: (action) Commit Effort; control any visible mechanism up to the size of a small ship
- Hammerhand: (on turn) Commit Effort; every weapon or unarmed attack does minimum 1d10 damage and is treated as magic; against constructs or inanimate objects, read damage straight
- Mark the Maker: (action) inspect any crafted object, magical or mundane, to learn its purpose and operation, a brief vision of each person who substantially helped in its creation, and a short description of what each of them contributed to it
- Inherent: set Con to 16/18; need not eat, drink, sleep or breathe
- Body of Iron Will: (constant) base AC 3 unaffected by armor or shield; immune to natural environmental damage, such as heat, cold, pressure, vacuum, radiation, unless used as weapon or hazard
- Inherent: set Int or Wis to 16/18
- The Omniscient Scholar: (constant) always know the correct answer to any question within the realm of mortal academic knowledge; automatically succeed on attribute checks to accomplish intellectual tasks within mortal capabilities