Autumn Rain

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Makashi remembers Autumn Rain as such a soft-spoken girl, a patrician's daughter with hair the colour of a sunset in the summer, and eyes as blue as sapphires. She was always subserviant, aware of her status as a commoner before a Prince of Creation, but she had a fire in her eyes, a strength underneath, that Makashi always found attractive. It was always local opinion in the region that she grew up in that Autumn Rain would make a perfect wife, even for a Dragon Blood: loyal, hard working, beautiful, but intelligent, and filled with resolve, a perfect lover, a perfect debater, a perfect dancer, and even a damn fine Gateway player.

When they split, she said she would wait for him, her Prince.

Years later, Makashi found she had left the Blessed Isle to travel the Threshold for reasons he had not heard fully explained. But, to his horror, intelligent reports told him soon after that the region she was visiting was plagued by an Anathema marked by the Wyld Hunt as extremely dangerous. The demon had been gathering converts to a full-scale attack on the Realm, gathering resources in the Threshold for an eventual attack on the Blessed Isle. Though it was nowhere near ready to stand a chance against the Empire, the Anathema were not to be taken lightly. Given time, this one could become a new Bull of the North, and no-one wanted that. Especially Makashi, who raced there with his double-dragon to make sure his childhood love was safe from the demon's depredations.

He found her in the Anathema's layer. Horror upon horror, she was a convert! He saw her, chanting the anti-Realm propoganda, screaming Death to the Empire! Death to the Dragon-Blooded! The meek girl had left, and the fire that had always leaked beneath the surface had come to bear. When she spotted Makashi, she screamed to her followers to attack, exploding in a bonfire of golden light, her brow alight with blinding fury marking her as Anathema.

She was the one leading the nascant insurgency. She was the Anathema.

The battle didn't go well. Her small group of followers, unorganized and badly armored, once lead by her radiant glory and her shining example, destroyed Makashi's double-dragon like they were nothing. And in the end, Autumn Rain let Makashi go, unable to murder the one she had once loved. Though, as she let him ride off, she told him to warn the Empire that she was coming, and that it would pay for what they did to her kind, the Solar Exalted.

He hasn't seen her since.

Autumn Rain is a Dawn Caste Solar who specializes in Melee combat, with a minor focus on the mass-combat scale battlefield. She wields a Reaper Daiklaive made of orichalcum she has named "The Sun's Flashing Lightning". Her order's symbol is the Dawn Caste mark, with a blade through it.