Chronicles of Neolithic Darkness:Gol

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Gol is a wise old Ithaeur who sacrificed one of his eyes in a ritual contract with a spirit. He was paired with Banu and Shadi to provide wisdom and guidance to them as they set out to spread the word of The Cult of Fallen Flesh. Isim-Ur may also have wanted the two girls to temper Gol’s transgressive instincts as well. Gol is a fanatic, even moreso than Banu. He is secretly a ‘Devourer’ and is on this pilgrimage as much to convert Uratha to the new tribe as to discover or uncover a rite powerful enough to strip and transfer Urfarah’s power to Ravenous Wolf. Despite being sent to mentor Banu and Shadi, Gol spends very little time with the duo. He instead spends most his time pursuing his own secretive goals, despite this, they always seem to eventually end up in the same place.

Auspice: Ithaeur

Lodge: Cult of Fallen Flesh (Proto-Eaters of the Dead)



Concept: Cult elder, Mad ritualist