Waylander (t@nya)

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Wayland (Vance Maximilian Vangerghast)


Race: Asgardian

Age: 28, physically 25

'Height: 7.5 feet, Weight: 650 pounds; Hair: Dark; Eyes: Blue; Build: Heroic

looks like Henry Cavill in Man from Uncle

Costume: Dark trenchcoat (with dented badge of his mentor, Captain Donald Cragon), hat (with winged haloed eyeball, in honour of Becky - she was a big Grateful Dead fan), and good suits (well, as good as he can afford). Sword slung across back


Identity: publically known as Vance Vandeghast, as an Asgardian and as the son of Loki. Gangr made sure of that.


Son of Loki

Stats (150 points)

Abilities (88 points)

Strength: 12; Agility: 3; Fighting: 5; Awareness: 3; Stamina 12; Dexterity: 3; Intellect: 4: Presence: 2

Defences (9)

Dodge: 3/6: Parry: 3/6; Fortitude: 12; Toughness: 12; Will: 3/6

Skills (16)

Expertise (History) (4/6); Expertise (Police Officer) (4/6); Insight (3/7) Investigation (4/8); Close Combat (Sword) (5/7); Close Combat (Unarmed) (5/7); Perception (3/7), Ranged Combat: Pistols (3/7); Stealth (3/5), Vehicles (3/5)

Advantages (15)

All-Out Attack; Attractive 2; Contacts, Eidetic Memory, Equipment 3, Interpose, Luck 1, Power Attack, Takedown 2, Tracking

Powers (22)

All-Speak (Comprehend Languages 3 - all spoken languages) (6)

Immunity (aging, disease, poison, cold, suffocation effects) (6)

Regeneration (10)

Base (1): Communications, Computer, Library, Living Space, and Power System


Motorcycle, Sword (looks like Ebony Blade); Cell Phone (Skyrim theme song)


Vance is the son of Loki and Vigdis, a Valkryrie, a daughter of Vili and favourite niece of Odin. Loki seduced her in order to piss his adopted father off. After Vigdis conceived her son she came to Midgard (New York in America) in order to give birth, hoping to prevent him becoming like his father.

About two years after he was born, Vance's mother adopted a mortal baby, so that he Vance would have a sibling to grow up with. Her name was Rebecca (Becky). Although adopted, both Vance and his mother loved Becky as much as if she had been born into the family, and she felt the same.

Having been raised with a strong sense of responsibility, Vance decided to become a police officer. It was as a rookie homicide detective that a family enemy found him.

This giant, Gangr, was the son of the master-builder who had built the walls of Asgard, who was tricked by Loki, in the form of a horse, and was killed by Thor. He wanted revenge and was targeting the children of both Loki and Thor to do. Able to change his physical size, and he took on a false name when he came to Midgard. He seduced and murdered Becky, just to cause his enemy pain. He also targeted his friends on the police force. Vance did his best to defend them, and killed Gangr doing so, but not before his mentor was killed, and his full identity became public. Which is why he decided to leave the force and become a private detective.


John Munch, a homicide detective and conspiracy theorist, is one of his best friends (despite the difference in their ages, and a contact on the force; alive

Donald Cragon, captain, now deceased. Was about to retire when he was killed by Gangr. With the permission of his family, Vance now wears his badge, dented from Gangr's blow

Other Loved Ones


His mother. Vance and her are very close

Likes, Dislikes, and Trivia


Video games History, Archaelogy, Paleantology. Is teaching himself flint knapping Coffee Action movies


Trashy TV shows (including reality TV) Paperwork Murderers, especially murderers of children


Video games and making stuff using historic techniques, but also identifying murder victims: participates on the Grateful Doe Subreddit.

Random factoids

owns a Sherlock Holmes Teddy Bear, crafted by the Great British Teddy Bear Company, which was a gift to him from his sister Becky Captain America fan