Populacija: 344
Straža je pleme Mouslinga koje živi u krošnjama Mal'roca. Cijelo pleme se indentificira kroz svoju ulogu zaštitnika svog doma.
Boravišta A few types mousling dwellings decorate Mal'rock. Some are simple holes in the wood, made by larger wood burrowing insects. Some are wicker tree houses with thatched roofs. A few are mud huts, inspired by those of the gnomes.
Oružja -Crne lisice koje u najvišim krošnjama love ptice zavijanjem signaliziraju dolazak stranaca. -Bacač; izum 174 godina starog halflinga Mormo Gripelfus. Velike pračke montirane u krošnjama Mal'roca. Uže i obrađene grane crnog kestena (treba ga nać u močvari). Bacaju kamenje.
Mouslings of note
High shaman [[]] (The most important profession for a Shaeman tribe of mouslings. He protects the mouslings' spirits while in the deep sleep of winter.)