PC Snoops
Character Concept
Character Concept: Muckraking investigate reporter
Archetype: Investigator/ Drone Rigger
Metatype: Human
Race: Mixed Asian and white
Ethnicity: Seattle ork
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 130 lbs.
Sex: Female
Age: 26
Appearance: Snoops is a thinly built human woman of mixed Asian and white background, with her shoulder-length hair died blue. She frequently dresses in t-shirts and wears buttons with political slogans on them, especially those related to metahuman rights.
Agility: 1d8
Alertness: 1d10
Intelligence: 1d10
Strength: 1d6
Vitality: 1d6
Willpower: 1d8
Brains (Mastermind): 1d4
Face (Grifter): 1d8
Muscle (Hitter): 1d4
Sneak (Thief): 1d6
Tech (Hacker): 1d10
• Muckraking Investigative Journalist 1d8/ 1d4 (High Concept): Snoops is at heart an old-fashioned investigative reporter--she’s good at talking to people, doing research and digging up information, getting into places she doesn’t belong, and has a wide range of contacts. These skills also turn out to be useful for a shadowrunner as well as a journalist. Of course, a lot of people don’t like her opinions and her work, so she’s made plenty of enemies.
• Drone Rigger 1d8/1d4: Snoops has a wide array of drones that she is skilled at using, particularly small ones she can rig into and use for surveillance and spying, although she has some for other purposes as well. However, when she’s operating drones, she may not be as aware of what’s going on immediately around her--and most people won’t appreciate being spied on if they catch her.
• A Human Kid from the Ork Underground 1d8/ 1d4: Snoops grew up in a big orkish family in Seattle’s ork underground. She can move easily between the human and orkish worlds because of this. She also had to learn a lot street smarts and survival skills growing up in what is a rough neighborhood. On the other hand, a lot of people regard her with suspicion because she’s from a bad neighborhood.
Drone Operator (Tech) 1d8
Gather Information (Face) 1d8
Signature Assets
• Contacts: News Site Editors 1d6: From her days as an investigative journalist, Snoops has contacts with many Seattle--and even some national and global--news site editors. Given the powerful enemies she’s made, many are reluctant to deal with her, but some still appreciate her work and will pass information to her, as well as hire her on for freelance work.
• Augmented/ Equipment: Spy Gear 1d8: Snoops uses not only old-fashioned interviewing techniques and the like to gather information, but a host of spy gear, including bugs, spy drones linked to her by rigging gear, and cranial recording devices--a camera and video recording in her cybereyes and an audio recorder in her ears.
• Augmented: Spy Gear +1 step.
• Drone Rigger: Spend a beat activating a drone. It uses 2d6 in any actions, as well as its Distinction. Spend a Karma to create an overcharged drone. It uses d6 and d10 in any actions, as well as its Distinction. As well, in a combat action, you can sacrifice the drone to add a third die to its total.
Character Background
Anne “Snoops” Kato is one of those rare children born to orks who was not only born metatypically human, but that did not goblinize as she got older. Despite being human, Snoops remains fiercely loyal to her orkish family and community and identifies as an ork, ethnically if not metatypically. As she grew older, she found that being human opened many doors to her that were closed to her orkish family, friends and neighbors, something that outraged her sense of justice. Not only did orks face discrimination from the Seattle city government and the major employers in the area, but the Seattle ork underground was frequently targeted by hate groups like Humanis Policlub. Determined to right these wrongs, Snoops became an independent, muckraking, investigative journalist, using a combination of charm, stealth and drone technology to get the dirt on the orkish community’s enemies. In this she was encouraged by the orkish neighborhood matriarch and shaman, “Abuela” Gomez, who saw a lot of promise in Annie and began mentoring her in high school. Among other things, she encouraged Annie to enter various citywide writing contests--in one of which Annie managed to win a decent amount of money. It was with these winnings that she bought her rigging implants and first drones from “Mac” MacIntosh, a local dwarf mechanic.
From her snooping into various things that her enemies would rather she wouldn’t, she earned the street name “Snoops.” At first, she focused mainly on the most visible threat--explicit hate groups. She worked as a freelancer, selling articles on this topic, as well as more run of the mill reportage, to a number of Seattle-area news sites. She managed to make enough money this way to help support her large, extended family, which all lived together in a rambling apartment complex in Seattle’s ork underground. As she dug deeper into the things that harmed the orkish community, she began writing more and more about the discrimination coming out of city hall and the big corps. This made her enemies and she began getting increasingly frozen out of major news sites, even for mundane news stories. Knowing she needed money, her fixer contact, Mac, who had helped set her up with her drone and rigger equipment, helped her find her first shadowrunning jobs.
Snoops’ modus operandi as an investigative journalist involves using a mix of charm, stealth and spy drones to dig up information. She often carries some of the smaller drones in a smuggling compartment built into her ribcage or a false fingertip. She might use her charm to get into the outer perimeter of a place she wants to know more about, then slip into the bathroom, open up her smuggling compartment and release her drones to penetrate more deeply in. She is now in the process of adapting these techniques to her new life as a shadowrunner.
Snoops’ Family:
Snoops’ family for the most part still can her “Annie,” instead of her street name. Her parents’ names are Goro and Jennifer, both of whom come from large families as well. Snoops has eight brothers and sisters of varying ages, many of whom continue to live with family, all of whom frequently drop in to visit if they don’t. Many have children, leaving Snoops with a large number of nieces and nephews, as a well as numerous cousins of various ages.