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Playbook: Nova Hero Name: Electra (for now - I can imagine a scene early on where Emily is served with a cease-and-desist letter saying she can't call herself Electra any more, because the name has already been trademarked) Real Name: Emily Electra Galvin

Look Woman, white, normal skin, fashionable clothing, colorful costume (-ish, actually tight-fitting black leggings and top with blue piping)

Abilities Elemental control - electricity

Labels Danger +1 Freak +2 Savior +1 Superior +0 Mundane -1

Backstory Emily was an outwardly normal girl from a well-off Irish-American family until her mother discovered that Emily's father was having an affair with a Senior in Emily's school. Emily started ditching school, and when she did attend, she often confronted pupils or teachers who she perceived as behaving wrongly. In one confrontation with a bully, a boy named Ethan, her powers manifested and she injured Ethan, giving him second degree burns. Emily was suspended from the school, and shunned when she returned from her suspension. She now attends a therapist who helps her with her anger management issues, and thereby also helping her control her powers. Emily doesn't see herself as having any choice about using her powers - if she doesn't learn to control them they will manifest anyway. She values the team because she wants to use her powers for good, because she hates injustice, and out of sheer loneliness because she can't talk to many of her old friends.

Burn & Flares Reality Storm - spend 1 burn to directly engage a threat with +Freak, will cause collateral damage unless you spend another burn Worship - Spend 1 burn to awe an audience into silence, respect and attention when you unleash your powers Elemental awareness - Spend 1 burn and mark a condition to open your mind up to the world around you with your powers. You can ask any one question about the world around you, and the GM will answer honestly. Moat - Spend 1 burn to create a barrier that will hold back threats as long as you keep your attention on it. The GM may call for you to spend another burn if the barrier is threatened by particularly powerful enemies.

(I envision the Moat as being not so much a harm-reducing force field as an incredibly threatening wall of electricity and superheated air, which is not necessarily useful if there are potential hostages around. It will repel ferrous metals, energy blasts, and the like, though.)

Influence Happy facade - give Influence to three teammates.

what have you learned with your super senses that you've been keeping secret?

Everyone has a signature. It's not just their brainwaves, but their muscles as well, the body and brain both run on electricity, and when you see someone often enough, you can pick them out no matter what disguise they wear. Anyway, one day I was out in front of the school, kind of practicing seeing things, and a car pulled up. It was my classmate Rebecca's Dad, come to pick her up from cheerleading practice. I hadn't looked at him before, you know, but anyway, he's <insert villain name>. Yeah, that guy we've been fighting so many times. I don't know what to do about it, it feels wrong to involve her in things, but he has gotta know who I am, and I can't help wondering if she's spying on me for him....At the same time, I wonder should I just ignore what I know about him, when it seems like it would be so easy to catch him if I know his real identity, but then again, if I tell anyone, it seems like the school will find out about it, and I'll get in shit for spying on people, like I was doing an illegal search or something.

EDIT: I've been looking over the Deck of Villainy, and the options for Rebecca's father that stand out to me are Mister Blight, p.27, Brass Brilliant, p. 46 and Gearmaster, p. 49. The comedy option is The Scarlet Songbird, p.44.

I've decided that Electra's costume is probably basically similar to the science team uniforms in Deep Space 9, or a Blue Lantern outfit, though I can't quite find a good visual reference.

In terms of her day to day appearance, I imagine she looks quite like the girl below.

She attends St. Attracta's, a mixed Catholic school run by the diocese. A few generations ago nearly all the teachers would have been nuns, but they're all laypeople now. The school does have a uniform, and intermittently clamps down on hair-dye, nose-rings, girls wearing trousers to school, and so on. Her best friend Suzie has tried to stand by her, but Suzie's mother is adamant about them staying apart, so they mostly communicate by text. Suzie is, incidentally, a fan of Mirage.

We destroyed our surroundings in the fights. Where was it? What did we destroy?

We were at Steel's warehouse, where he stored his guns. I ran into Flickr, or Flickr ran into me, and he persuaded me to go along with him to the place. I hadn't actually done any heroing before, I just tried to find safe places to practice using my power. Anyway, turned out I was more powerful than I thought. Some stray bolts cooked off his ammo, and it blew up. It wasn't an uncontrolled fire - it turned out Steel was able to control the fire pretty damn well with his gravity powers, but the place was gutted by the end of it.

I don't want to give you the impression I completely sucked. There were some steel bars he was keeping - quite possibly as weapons because that's what he used them for, and I was able to stop him mincing us with them.