Bryon McClennan

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The McClennans are a lowland clan of Scots with some ties to the English, a family known for being reliable if not overly ostentatious. Byron was a fourth son, born with a smile on his face and the wind at his back, Byron was always liked and friendly. He was young and passionate as he went with Robert Maxwell to help the Danes against the Catholics in 1625, and was shot in his first battle. Dying on the battlefield, he lasted until well past nightfall, and there in the charnel pit something rose out of the ground and embraced him.

Byron has the devil’s luck about him. He’s friendly, and people like him. While he didn’t try to do much more than win and protect his family’s interests, the McClennans came out of the Civil war in a position of power. When Byron was sent to London both by family and Clan, he had a disturbing talent for being in the right place at the right time. He gained a great deal of wealth in deals, merchant ships, and one spectacular night of betting on the ratters (no disciplines, he swears). He survived three attempts on his life, two due to his martial skill and one due to sheer luck. His territory survived the Great Fire untouched. People that tried to stop or rail against him rapidly ended up either forgetting all about the reason they were fighting him, dying, or suddenly having other pressing matters pushed against them. It was rumored he had once made Mithras laugh.

Basically, The Halls of London didn’t know what to DO with him. He didn’t seem interested in controlling anything more than enough to get by, violence failed against him, and they found he tended to do things when asked instead of manipulated into them. Finally, it was decided that Byron’s talents could help Alfric of Clerkenwell and his ambitions in the faraway Indian lands.


A tall healthy Scot with watery blue eyes and long dark hair and full beard. He tends to have a smile on his face more often than note, dressed in 16th century English finery of upper-middle worth with a vest of his clan’s plaids. Normally carrying a saber when socially allowed.

Character Sheet

Name: Byron McClennan

Player: Sabermane

Nature: Idealist

Demeanor: Solider

Clan: Gangrel

Generation: 10th

Sire: Unknown


Strength: 3

Dexterity: 4

Stamina: 3

Charisma: 4

Manipulation: 2

Appearance: 2

Intelligence: 2

Wits: 3

Perception: 3

Skills and Talents

Alertness: 2

Athletics: 2

Brawl: 2

Empathy: 3

Expression: 3

Leadership: 2

Animal Ken: 2

Etiquette: 1

Firearms: 1

Melee: 2

Stealth: 1

Survival: 2

Academics: 2

Politics: 3


Animalism: 2

Protean: 3

Fortitude: 2

Merits and Flaws

Infertile Vitae (5 pt) Friendly Face (1pt Merit) Natural Linguist (2 pt Merit) Linguist (1 pt), Linguist (1pt): English (Native), French, Hindoo or regionally appropriate dialect, X, X


Generation: 3

Retainer: 2 Uncle Alfred (manservant) and Chu (direhound)

Pooled Backgrounds: 3


Self-Control: 4

Conscience: 4

Courage: 4


Humanity: 6

Willpower: 8

Blood Pool: 13