Thorvin Ericson
Current Glory:
Annual Glory:
Personal Data
Age: 32 (born in 464)
Son Number: 1
Homeland: Jutland
Culture: Dane
Religion: Wotanism
Father: Eric Gunnarson
Father's Class: Jarl (Tribal King)
Lord: Bledgur, Lord of Chalke
Current Class: Vassal Knight
Current Home: W. Stoke
Wife: Lady Glenys
20 | 10 | 17 | 14 | 13 |
Dmg | Heal | Move | HP | Unc |
7d6 | 3 | 3 | 34 | 9 |
Distinquishing Features Long blonde hair, clean shaven
- Chaste 7/13 Lustful
- Energetic 14/7 Lazy
- Forgiving 4/16 Vengeful
- Generous 16/4 Selfish
- Honest 13/7 Deceitful
- Just 13/7 Arbitrary
- Merciful 8/12 Cruel
- Modest 4/16 Proud
- Spiritual 4/16 Worldly
- Prudent 3/17 Reckless
- Temperate 4/16 Indulgent
- Trusting 10/10 Suspicious
- Valorous 16/4 Cowardly
- Chivalry: No
- Religious: Yes (+1d6 Damage)
- Famous Traits in bold
Directed Traits
- Suspicious of Norwegians +4
- Loyalty (Bledgur) 15
- Love (Family) 16
- Hospitality 18
- Honor 15
- Hate (Saxons) 17
- Loyalty (Order of the Grey Wolf) 14
Non-Combat Skills
Awareness (5)
Boating Use Seamanship
Chirurgery ―
Compose (2)
Courtesy (3) 16
Dancing (1)
Faerie Lore (2)
Falconry (2) 3
Fashion ―
First Aid (8) 9
Flirting Use Nordic Charm
Folklore (5) 6
Gaming (2)
Heraldry (0)
Hunting (8) 12
Industry ―
Intrigue Use Nordic Charm
Orate (2)
Play (harp) (2)
Read (runes) (2)
Recognize (2) 3
Religion (Norse Pagan) (2) 4
Romance (0)
Singing (2)
Stewardship (2)
Swimming (8) 12
Tourney (0)
Seamanship (10) 15
Nordic Charm (2) 16
Combat Skills
Battle (5) 12
Siege (2)
Horsemanship (1) 15
Great Axe (8) 23
Lance (1) 15
Spear (8) 15
Dagger (5)
Sword (3) 10
- Chainmail (10)
- Shield (6)
- Great-Axe
- 5 spears
- dagger
- Sword
- 20L in treasure left from his father
Horses Charger, 2 rouncy, sumpter
Squires 1 (Age 15, Sword, First Aid, Other)
Longboat of 16. Can carry 32 raiders plus 4 sailors and captain. If the raiders are knights then that is 16 (+squires) as well as Thorvin as captain.
Winterbourne Stoke
Village. Hate Landlord 0
Mill, Bakery, Village Church, 4 Hamlets
Manor: Simple Hall, Wooden
Yearly Glory: 6
Held in Wardship of Bebinn nee Tophias
Family Characteristic:
- Young Knights
- Other Men
- Levy
Other Living relatives
Deceased Relatives
Experience Checks
Passions and Traits
Non-com Skills
Combat Skills