Aristophel - Tharzidun Loot

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- Main Page; ScarletGreyhawk

- Back; Merrill's Loot

Wand of Fear,

Pyromancer’s Gauntlets

These thick cloth wraps cover the hands and forearms and are decorated with obsidian beads. The gauntlets are stained gray with ash and seem to be impervious to fire. The wearer's effective caster level for spells with the fire descriptor increases by one. Additionally, when the wearer casts a spell with the fire descriptor it deals 1 extra damage per damage die.

Leather +2 Short Sword of life stealing+1, Short Sword +5 defender

Wand of Frost, Wand of Lightning, Necklace of swarming - 12. Beads strike, burst for 3 magic missiles, Scroll - teleport, passwall. Stone of recall

Longsword +3, Ring of Spell Storing (Clerical) Heal, Cure (6pts), Neutralize poison

From Forsaken Commanders: Plate +2; Sword +2 (x2)

The Infernal Fragments of Meirosis (10% cumulative of burning up 30%) This ancient compendium is written upon linen pages and bound in steel plates. An individual who reads this tome, which requires 48 hours over a minimum of 6 days, gains the spell-like ability to use Shield once per day.

The Grimoire of Middo (10% cumulative of burning up 10%)

This folio of parchments is bound by leather cords. An individual who reads this tome, which requires 48 hours over a minimum of 6 days, gains the ability to speak Fae.

� Spell Scroll (Mage): Stoneskin, Dispel Magic, Fumble, Distance Distortion, Shield, Darkness 15' Radius

Spell Scroll (Mage): Enchanted Weapon, Dispel Illusion, Phantasmal Force, Knock, Airy Water, Fire Charm

Spell Scroll (Mage): Conjure Elemental, Anti-Magic Shell, Wind Wall

Spell Scroll (Mage): Flaming Sphere, Wall of Ice, Message, Plant Growth, Flaming Sphere, Explosive Runes, Tasha's Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter, Leomund's Trap, Gust of Wind