Level Five Spells - All

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Level Five Spells - Memorized

Level Five Spells - All

Advanced Illusion

Range: 60 yds. + 10/level - Duration: 1 rd./level - AoE: 40-ft2 + 10-ft2/level

This spell is a programmed illusion spell determined by the caster. It is unnecessary for the wizard to concentrate on the spell for longer than the round of casting it, as the program has then started and will continue without supervision. The illusion has visual, audio, olfactory, and thermal components.

Animated Dagger

Range: 10' - Duration: Permanent - Save: None 

Creates animated daggers subject to the command of the caster. Can create 1 dagger/3 levels. Daggers are permanent until destroyed. Only one 'set' of daggers can be active at a time.


Range: 10' - Duration: 1 rd /lvl - Save: None - AoE: 40' x 20' x 20' cloud 

Generates cloud that slays any creature with fewer than 4 + 1 hit dice,  cause creatures  with 4 + 1 to 5 + 1 hit dice to save versus poison at -4 on the dice roll, and creatures up to 6 hit dice (inclusive)  to save versus poison normally or be slain by the cloud.

Cone of Cold

Range: 0 - Saving Throw: ½ - AoE: Special                                            

Causes a cone-shaped area originating at the magic-user's hand and extending outwards in a cone 5' long per level of the caster. It drains heat and causes 1 four-sided die, plus 1 hit point of damage (1d4 +1), per level of experience of the magic-user. For example, a 10th level magic-user would cast a Cone Of Cold causing 10d4 + 10 hit points of damage. Its material component is a crystal or glass cone of very small size.

Conjure Elemental

Range: 60' - Casting Time: 1 turn - Duration: 1 turn/level

Conjure an air, earth, fire or water elemental with this spell - assuming he or she has the material component for the particular elemental. A considerable fire source must be in range to conjure that type of elemental; a large amount of water must be likewise available for conjuration of a water elemental. The elemental conjured up must be controlled by the magic-user, i.e. the spell caster must concentrate on the elemental doing his or her commands, or it will turn on the magic-user and attack. The elemental can be controlled up to 30' distant per level of the spell caster.


Range: 10 yds - Duration: Permanent - AoE: 1 creature - Saving Throw: Neg.

A wizard on the Prime Material Plane seeks to force or enable a creature from another plane of existence to return to its proper plane. Magic resistance, if any, is checked if this spell is used to force a being home. If the resistance fails, the caster's level is compared to the creature's level or Hit Dice. If the wizard's level is higher, the difference is subtracted from the creature's die roll for its saving throw vs. spell. If the creature's level or Hit Dice is higher, the difference is added to the saving throw roll. If the creature desires to be returned to its home plane, no saving throw is necessary (it chooses to fail the roll). If the spell is successful, the creature is instantly whisked away, but the spell has a 20% chance of actually sending the subject to a plane other than its own.


Range: 10'/level - Saving Throw: Neg. - AoE: One creature      

Feeblemind causes the victim's brain to become that of a moronic child. The victim remains in this state until a Heal, Restoration or Wish spell is used to do away with the effects. The spell is of such a nature that the probability of it affecting the target creature is generally enhanced, i.e. saving throws are lowered.   

  • Cleric +1 
  • Druid  -1 
  • Magic-user  -4                 

Leomond's Hidden Lodge

Range: 20 yards - Duration: 1d4 hrs. + 1 hr./level - AoE: 30 ft2/level

Leomund’s secure shelter, but perfectly camouflaged to blend in with terrain, concealing all signs of habitation, including any smoke, light, or sound coming from within the lodge. Creatures or characters who are exceptionally well-tuned to their surroundings (elves, druids, rangers, and various sylvan monsters) may attempt a saving throw vs. spell to spot the hidden lodge if they pass within 30 feet; all other creatures cannot find the wizard’s refuge without the aid of true seeing or similar magic.


Range: 10-ft. radius - Duration: 12 hrs. - AoE: 1 person/2 levels

Alter the appearance of one person/two levels. The change includes clothing and equipment. The caster can make the recipients appear as any generally man-shaped bipedal creature, each up to 1 foot shorter or taller than his normal height, and thin or fat or in between. All those affected must resemble the same general type of creature: human, orc, ogre, etc. Each remains a recognizable individual. The spell is not precise enough to duplicate the appearance of a specific individual.


Range: 10'/level - Duration: 2 rds + 1/level - Save: None - AoE: 25lb /level

Move objects by will force, by concentrating on moving them mentally. The Telekinesis spell causes the desired object to move vertically or horizontally. Movement is 20' the first round, 40' the second, 80' the third, 160' the fourth, and so on, doubling each round until a maximum telekinetic movement of 1,0240' per round is reached. (Heavy objects travelling at high speed can be deadly weapons!) Note that Telekinesis can be used to move opponents who fall within the weight capacity of the spell, but if they are able to employ as simple a counter-measure as an Enlarge spell, for example (thus making the body weight go over the maximum spell limit), it is easily countered. Likewise, ambulation or some other form of motive power if the recipient of the spell is not able to ambulate, counters the effect of Telekinesis, provided the velocity has not reached 16" per round. The various Bigby's Hand spells will also counter this spell, as will many other magics.


Duration: instantaneous

This spell instantly transports the caster or another individual creature any distance to any known place the caster can visualize. The transported creature arrives at ground level in any suitable open place.

Transmute Rock to Mud

Range: 10'/lvl - Duration: Special - AoE: 20' cube/level

Turns natural rock of any sort into an equal volume of mud. The depth of the mud can never exceed one-half its length and/or breadth. Creatures unable to levitate, fly, or otherwise free themselves from the mud will sink and suffocate. The mud will remain until a dispel magic spell or a reverse of this spell, Mud To Rock, restores its substance - but not necessarily its form. Evaporation will turn the mud to normal dirt, from 1 to 6 days per cubic 10' being required.

Wall of Force

Range: 30 yds - Duration: 1 turn + 1 rd./level - AoE: 10-ft. square/level - Saving Throw: None

A wall of force spell creates an invisible barrier in the locale desired by the caster, up to the spell's range. The wall of force cannot move and is totally unaffected by most spells, including dispel magic. However, a disintegrate spell will immediately destroy it, as will a rod of cancellation or a sphere of annihilation. Likewise, the wall of force is not affected by blows, missiles, cold, heat, electricity, etc. Spells and breath weapons cannot pass through it in either direction, although dimension door, teleport, and similar effects can bypass the barrier. The wizard can, if desired, form the wall into a spherical shape with a radius of up to 1 foot per level or an open hemispherical shape with a radius of 1.5 feet per caster level. The wall of force must be continuous and unbroken when formed; if its surface is broken by any object or creature, the spell fails. The caster can end the spell on command.

Wall of Stone

Range: 5'/level - Duration: Permanent - AoE: Special

Creates a wall of granite rock which merges into adjoining rock surfaces if the area is sufficient to allow it. It is typically employed to close passages, portals, and breaches against opponents. The wall of stone is ¼' thick and 20' square in area per level of experience of the magic-user casting the spell. Thus, a 12th level magic-user creates a wall of stone 3' thick and 240 square feet in surface area. The wall created need not be vertical nor rest upon any firm foundation however, it must merge with an existing stone formation. It can be used to bridge a chasm, for instance, or as a ramp. The wall is permanent unless destroyed by a Dispel Magic spell or by normal means such as breaking, chipping or a Disintegrate spell.