- Human Priestess 2
- XP: 2000/4000 (+5% bonus)
- Neutral
- STR 8 (-1)
- INT 14 (+1)
- WIS 13 (+1)
- DEX 10 (0)
- CON 8 (-1)
- CHA 12 (0)
- Languages
- Common
- (left blank)
- General Proficiencies
- Adventuring (maintain equipment, ride horse, set up camp, search for secrets, evaluate valuables)
- Healing (identify disease 11+, use herbs, natural healing +1d3)
- Profession: Estate Lawyer (expert knowledge 11+, earn 25gp/month practicing)
- Class Proficiencies
- Contemplation (by spending 1 hour in meditation, may recover 1 spell slot. Can be used multiple times / day but only on different spell levels)
- AC 0
- HP 2d4-2>3
- Movement Rate (explore/combat/run) 120/40/120
- Initiative +0
- Attacks
- Dagger 11+ 1d4-1
- Dart 10+ 1d4-1
- Saves:
- Petrification & Paralysis 13
- Poison & Death 10
- Blast & Breath 16
- Staves & Wands 13
- Spells 15
- First Level: 2 / day
- Angelic Choir (make sweet epic music)
- Command Word (one word command, range 10', save only if Int > 12)
- Cure Light Wounds (heal 1d6+1 or paralysis, touch)
- Delay Disease (stave off disease effects for 24h)
- Detect Danger (detect whether object or creature is dangerous, also detects poisons, lasts 6 turns)
- Detect Evil (detect evil w/i 60')
- Detect Magic (detect magic items, invisible)
- Fellowship (save or treat me as if Cha was +2d4)
- Light (can blind single target with save or light up area 120')
- Protection from Evil (10' radius of +1 AC and +1 saves, keeps enchanted creatures out, must be stationary)
- Purify Food and Water (poisoned/spoiled food or water potable)
- Remove Fear (give target new save at +1 to avoid fear)
- Resist Cold (+2 to saves vs cold, -1 damage to each die)
- Sanctuary (to attack target must make save vs spells, target can't take offensive actions)
- Salving Rest (target heals +1d3 HP for each day of rest until they stop resting)
- Total Encumbrance: 4 stone 5 items
- Dagger
- Darts (10)
- Holy Symbol (7 pointed wheel)
- Backpack
- Comfrey (5)
- Hammer and Spikes (12)
- Mirror
- Lantern
- Iron Rations (2 weeks)
- Tinder Box
- Rope 50'
- Waterskin
- Lantern Oil (3)
- Military Oil (2)
- Large Sack (2)
- Belt Pouch
- Holy Water (2)
- 6 gp 6 sp