Brother Estoovius

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Brother Estoovius Human Good Cleric 1

Stats: Str: 10; Dex: 8; Con: 11; Int: 12; Wis: 17; Cha: 11

Speed: 20 (30 with light load) HP: 8 BAB: +0 Fort: +2 Ref: -1 Will: +5

AC: 14 Initiative: -1

Combat: Unarmed attack: to hit: +0 damage: 1d3 critical: 20/x2

Dagger: to hit: +0 damage: 1d4 critical: 19-20/x2

Dagger (Thrown): to hit: -1 damage: 1d4 critical: 19-20/x2 range: 10 ft.

Morningstar: to hit: +0 damage: 1d8 critical: 20/x2

Languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Elven

Feats: Simple Weapon Proficiency, Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Shield Proficiency, Skill Focus: Heal, Improved Turning, Extra Turning

Skills: Appraise +1 (0 ranks, +1 int) Balance -1 (0 ranks, -1 dex) Bluff +0 (0 ranks, 0 cha) Climb +0 (0 ranks, 0 str) Concentration +0 (0 ranks, 0 con) Diplomacy +4 (4 ranks, 0 cha) Disguise +0 (0 ranks, 0 cha) Escape Artist -1 (0 ranks, -1 dex) Forger +1 (0 ranks, +1 int) Gather Information +0 (0 ranks, 0 cha) Heal +10 (4 ranks, +3 wis, +3 skill focus feat) Hide -1 (0 ranks, -1 dex) Intimidate 0 (0 ranks, 0 cha) Jump 0 (0 ranks, 0 str) Knowledge: Arcana +3 (2 ranks, 1 int) Knowledge: History +3 (2 ranks, 1 int) Knowledge: Religion +5 (4 rank, 1 int) Listen +5 (2 ranks, +3 wis) Move Silently -1 (0 ranks, -1 dex) Ride -1 (0 ranks, -1 dex) Search +3 (2 ranks, +1 int) Sense Motive +3 (0 ranks, +3 wis) Speak Language (Elven, Abyssal) (2 ranks) Spot +5 (2 ranks, +3 wis) Survival +3 (0 ranks, +3 wis) Swim 0 (0 ranks, 0 str) Use Rope -1 (0 ranks, -1 dex)

Racial & Class Abilities: Spontaneous Casting, Turn Undead (Su) 7/day (turn level 2) (turn damage 2d6+2)

Domains: Sun (Once per day, you can perform a greater turning against undead in place of a regular turning. The greater turning is like a normal turning except that the undead creatures that would be turned are destroyed instead.), Healing (You cast healing spells at +1 caster level.)

Equipment (160 starting gold) Holy Symbol (Wooden) 1 0lbs Outfit (Traveler's) 1 5lbs Scale Mail 1 30lbs Shield (Light/Wood) 1 5lbs Pouch (Belt) (1.46 lbs.)

  Coin (Copper)                                 20	0lbs
  Coin (Gold)                                   18	0lbs
  Coin (Silver)                                 10	0lbs

Mule (0 lbs.)

  Saddle (Pack)                                 1	15lbs
  Feed (Per Day)                                5	50lbs
  Healer's Kit                                  1	1lbs
  Rations (Trail/Per Day)                       5	5lbs
  Torch                                         5	5lbs
  Vestments (Cleric's)                          1	6lbs
  Musical Instrument (Mandolin)                 1	3lbs

Total weight caried: Current load: Medium

What are the three things best in life?

Serving Lirora's calling be it day or night. Aiding those that are in need. Knowing my actions can rend power from the forces of evil.