World of Super-Science
World of Super-Science, a play-by-post based on a Thundarr-inspired hack of John Harper's excellent micro-system, World of Dungeons.
- Caias Ward, playing Caprison Deltaphawsett — a warrior
- Dorsai, playing TBD — a cyborg
- Roryb, GM
Game Pitch
Under a Broken Moon. (Thundarr with the serial # filed off) Hijinks in a post-apocalyptic world of super-science and mysticism. Find the odic reactor and disable it before the wicked tech-wizards can harness its powers to fully subjugate the people.
When the cataclysm struck, the scientists and elite retreated to the safety of the inner earth, while radiation on the surface destroyed much of what was. Mutants and other barbaric survivalists made their way in a world of terrors. Magical ability (sorcery) was one of the outcomes of mutation. Eventually, the inner earth race re-surfaced in super-science airships to replenish their refuges and take slaves.
Caprison Deltaphawsett
player by Caias Ward
- CLASS: Warrior
- LEVEL: 1
- ATTRIBUTES: STR +2; AGL +1; INT +1; WLP +0; APL +0
- SKILLS: Athletics, Stealth
- SPECIAL ABILITIES: Skirmish (+1 damage and worn armor counts as one type lighter), Hardy (+6 HP)
- ARMOR & SPEED: None (Fast)
- Notes:
- ADVANCEMENT: After each adventure, gain 1 level. Choose 1 from the list below on odd levels. Choose 2 for even levels:
- o +1d6 damage
- o o +Ability
- o o o +Attribute (max: +3)
- o o o +Skill
- o o o o o +HD
Caprison Deltaphawsett was part of his village’s Outer Guard until wanderlust struck and he sought his fortune in the wide and dangerous world. Technology fascinates him, but he knows the Oldcesters were great scholars who could leverage The Rules of the Universe to create powerful devices such as the Stratocaster, the Toyodahylux and the Ruxpin. They were men who had great means of learning, so much of what is considered ‘magic’ is actually science, even if he doesn’t understand it.
Luka Yasar, Nanite Cyborg
player by Dorsai
- CLASS: Automaton
- LEVEL: 1
- ATTRIBUTES: STR +1; AGL +1; INT +0; WLP +1; APL +0
- SKILLS: Awareness, Decipher
- SPECIAL ABILITIES: Devices (3 built-in items: an arc-torch, holo-projector, and omni-scanner), Command (you can attempt to control any computer system or automoton)
- ARMOR & SPEED: None (Fast)
- WEAPONS & EQUIPMENT: Rope, Blanket, Tent, Canteen, Rations (6), Flashlight (5), Crowbar, Knife (d6), money (20 slugs)
- Notes:
- ADVANCEMENT: After each adventure, gain 1 level. Choose 1 from the list below on odd levels. Choose 2 for even levels:
- o +1d6 damage
- o o +Ability
- o o o +Attribute (max: +3)
- o o o +Skill
- o o o o o +HD
Luka's ancestors made forays into nano-technology long ago and achieved symbiosis with their nanites to the point where the nanites were passed from mother to child and could not be separated. There are no true humans left among them. Luka can pass unnoticed among humans.
Yog, the Weather Wizard of the Wasteland
player by blackthought
- CLASS: Sorcerer
- LEVEL: 1
- ATTRIBUTES: STR +0; AGL +0; INT +1; WLP +3; APL +0
- SKILLS: Awareness, Survival
- SPECIAL ABILITIES: Cantrips (you know three simple sorceries: spark, copper mist, gravitational eddy), Elementalist (you can throw fires or control radioactive waters — weather — blasts do 1d6+level, or 2d6+level if especially suited to the situation)
- ARMOR & SPEED: Shield (1) (Fast)
- WEAPONS & EQUIPMENT: Hand Axe (d6), Rope, Rations (1), Canteen, Bandages, Binoculars, Gas Mask, money (20 slugs)
- Notes:
- ADVANCEMENT: After each adventure, gain 1 level. Choose 1 from the list below on odd levels. Choose 2 for even levels:
- o +1d6 damage
- o o +Ability
- o o o +Attribute (max: +3)
- o o o +Skill
- o o o o o +HD
Those in the villages surrounding the Purple Wastes call Yog the Weather Wizard of the Wasteland. Somehow he managed to survive alone out there all these years. At night, the purple glow of his electrified fire, flickering high up on the mountainside, can be seen from miles around. Whenever villagers return home after seeking him out, they universally say that he is quite mad, though the truth is that he is only slightly so. Despite Yog’s claims that he communes with the planet’s weather god-system, his mind stretching through space and time, the weather wizard secretly suspects that it’s probably just the tasty mushrooms teeming on the slopes below the entrance to his cave. He’s tall and lanky, all elbows and knees, with a great mane and beard that now fade from his youthful purple to white. He also has freaky purple eyes. Yog looks much like a purple themed, psychedelic mashup of Rob Zombie and Steve Buscemi.
Yog never imagined leaving his wasteland home until the weather recently told him to.