Tianxia Blood Silk & Jade:Bloodied Viper Li

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Bloodied Viper Li

Jianghu Rank: 1 (movement bonus: +1 zone; passive Chi armor opposition: +1)

Refresh: 1



High Concept: Venemous Bandit Queen on the Path of Atonement

Shining Feather Lan cleansed her of the Cloud Vipers’ indoctrination, but that only made her feel regret for her past more keenly. She struggles to make right the wrongs she once committed; while she does not avoid violence, her wide knowledge of poisons lets her end battles more quickly, with less lasting injury.

Trouble: Bloody legacy of the Cloud Vipers

Poisoning her own brother in wrath, orphaning and kidnapping children, and of course simple murder and banditry, many times over. She may be recognized by a victim or near-victim, or other bandit scum, and hesitate to use violence when she remembers how she once reveled in it.

Once High Among Low Society

From her time leading a bandit clan, Li can slip easily into the mannerisms of the powerful among the criminal underclass. However, her new outlook makes her ill at ease among her former peers, and she has trouble with more refined social interaction.

Who am I, really?

Li is desperate both to find clues to her past and to prove she can live up to Shining Feather Lan’s teachings, making her less wary than she otherwise might be when a chance at finding a relation or coming to the aid of someone who seems to need it. And yet, she derives most of her willpower from her mission to push on towards proving herself a hero and searching for her answers.

Weathered beyond her years

Lingering injury from the poison that killed her brother outright, along with the various accidental exposures that are inevitable when learning alchemy, have left her with internal scars that limit her overall physical reserves; however, she is used to fighting through pain and her own limits, and is well-versed in Chi techniques to augment her limited body.


Great (+4) Chi

Good (+3) Fight, Crafts

Fair (+2) Burglary, Provoke, Deceive

Average (+1) Contacts, Will, Rapport, Notice, Athletics


Physical O O O O

Mental O O O


Mild [2]: _________________________

Mild Physical [2]: ________________

Moderate [4]: _____________________

Severe [6]: _______________________

Kung Fu:

Ghost Viper Form, Heavenly Phoenix Form


Ghost haunts the Shadow: Use Chi instead of stealth to create an advantage based on moving silently or remaining unseen

Ghost strikes the spirit: Ignore 1 point of armor when making Fight attacks and add +1 Weapon Rating to any Fight attach against opponents with a lower Chi skill.

Serpent Strikes First: Interject ahead of others when posting turn order.

Snake Strikes the Hand: On a successful defense, you can sacrifice next turn's action to make a counterattack with shifts equal to the margin of success on your defense.

Phoenix Calls to Heaven: You may use Chi instead of Physique to determine extra stress boxes and consequences.


Master Alchemist: Gain a +2 bonus when using Craft to create an alchemy-based advantage

Poisoner: Gain a +2 bonus and a free invoke when creating an advantage with poison

Indomitable: Gain +2 to defend against Provoke attacks specifically related to intimidation and fear

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