SP The Green Ranger
Character Name
Hero Points X
Movement Primary: Secondary::
Current Conditions
File:Template.jpg (Comment: As set up, this requires that the picture be uploaded to the Wiki. Replace Template with the name of the picture)
Personal Info
Physical Description
Career / Daytime Activities
xx Str (yy Pts)
xx Agl (yy Pts)
xx Fgt (yy Pts)
xx Sta (yy Pts)
xx Awe (yy Pts)
xx Int (yy Pts)
xx Pre (yy Pts)
Characteristics Total: XX
Attack Name Attack Bonus Attack DC Notes
xx Dodge Base yy + Purchase zz (xy Pts)
xx Parry Base yy + Purchase zz (xy Pts)
xx Fortitude Base yy + Purchase zz (xy Pts)
xx Toughness Base yy + Powers/Adv/Equip zz
xx Will Base yy + Purchase zz (xy Pts)
Defenses Total: XX
(Please list all advantages, and at least a quick description of the Advantage Benefit. One Advantage per line, please, and if the Advantage is Ranked, please include Rank.)
Advantages Total: XX
(Please list all skills in the following format)
Total Skill Base + Ranks
Skills Total: XX
(If your character has Equipment, please list here. One item to a line, with Equipment Cost for each Item, and Equipment Total)
(Please list all powers in the following format)
Rank Power Name Base Power Extras, including per rank or flat cost Flaws, Including Per Rank or Flat modifier
If a power is an Alternate, please show as Rank 9A (9DA for Dynamic Alternates). If a compound Power, place Power name by itself on the first line, then show each power within the compound power on a line below it.)
Powers Total: XX
(Please list all complications here.)
Starting PL: 8
Earned PPs:
Spent PPS:
Character Math
Characteristics Total XX
+ Defenses Total XX
+ Advantages Total XX
+ Skills Total XX
+ Powers Total XX
= Total Points YY